Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Community Emergency Response ( Cert ) - 1379 Words

challenge for communities because of limited available funds (pp. 104). However, communities have access to federal funding that will assist them in the expansion of mutual-assistance practices where communities share equipment that is rarely used. Also, there is the development of effective technologies and the significant reduction in cost has allowed the once â€Å"out of reach† equipment to be more available (pp. 104). It is paramount that community members and officials are equipped to conduct the tasks required of them. Therefore, training is a pivotal component as the businesses and nongovernmental organizations operating in the community are called upon to assist in the overall community response. The Community Emergency Response (CERT)†¦show more content†¦The importance of the community’s involvement in emergency management has propelled FEMA to introduce the Whole Community concept in December 2011 in disaster preparedness (pp. 108). This approach en gages all members of the community including individuals, government at all levels, organizations, businesses, community groups and others involved in preparing the community as a whole to deal with disasters. It is the philosophical belief of FEMA that utilizing leveraging all the resources of the the collective team in the community will help to prepare, protect, respond to and recover from, and mitigate against all disasters. The engagement of the community in an authentic dialogue will also empower individuals to identify their needs, the existing resources and find out ways to address any shortfall in them. FEMA also reinforces that with the community’s involvement, FEMA is better able to reach and deliver services more efficiently and cost-effectively to those affected in a disaster. One of the most important concerns of community members is how they will evacuate in the event of a disaster. FEMA has developed the National Prevention Framework (NPF) that outlines the whole community approach to a disaster discovery of intelligence or information regarding an imminent threat to homeland and security. Although, communities have participated in some form of evacuation planning as part of emergency management, not many have been able to conduct a

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