Sunday, May 17, 2020

Relationship Between Men And Women - 1866 Words

In recent studies it has been found that men take relationship dissolutions more negatively than women. This is due in part to the fact that men are more likely to have open relationships with many women; while women wait to choose a partner. Once a man is ready to commit to one woman it is hard for him to let go of her. Negative feelings take place in men once a relationship has dissolved. A woman will be more positive, and be able to self-rediscover once on their own. In this text, we will uncover the differences between men and women and how they deal with the dissolution of a relationship. When it comes to a breakup the man is affected more emotionally and physically than the woman; we can link this to the woman’s dominance in a relationship, and willingness to end a relationship. Looking into Relationships: 4 stages of a romantic relationship: 1) Infatuation stage: a pre-relationship stage, where young teens have the opportunity to explore their romantic passions through attraction on a personal level, without engaging a prospective partner. 2) Affiliate romantic stage: pre-relationship that typically occurs in a larger group context where an acknowledged couple relationship is not yet formed, rather, a decision is made whether or not to attempt entering into a relationship. 3) Intimate stage: representative of a formed romantic couple. 4) Committed stage: established relationship borrows features resembling a marital relationship and a mutual commitment. (Price,Show MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Men And Women843 Words   |  4 Pagesher life the way she wanted, and wrote about things no one else dared to write about at the time. 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