Friday, February 28, 2020

International Strategies an Oranizational Design Essay

International Strategies an Oranizational Design - Essay Example s the responsibility of the CEO to conceptualize and chart the strategic plan of the business to ensure the health and viability of the organization under his direction. Below him are functional managers whose leadership, -- such as in marketing, finance, production and R&D -- will help enable the company to achieve effective results through division by specialization. Despite lack of general management orientation, they are important role players in the implementation of the overall strategy of the business. Because of the level and intensity of competition in the global markets, the companys international strategy must be prepared carefully and employed dynamically so that the company can survive and earn above-average returns in both the short and long term. The global planning process starts with the CEO taking the initiative or recognizing the need for a global strategic planning. While plans can exist solely in the mind of the CEO, a formal and rational planning process is necessary in order to obtain participation and commitment of those who will execute the plan. The major activities in such planning activity involves the following: 1) defining the mission and major goals and objectives of the organization, 2) analyzing the internal and external environments, 3) choosing the business model and strategies that will align or fit an organizations strengths and weaknesses with the opportunities and threats of the external environment; 4 adopting the organizational design or structures of the organization, and 5) the establishing of control systems to ensure proper implementation, monitoring and evaluation. A feedback mechanism may suggest changes in the components of the plan so that corrective action can be carried out. A SWOT analysis will identify the fit between the existing resources and competencies of the organization and the opportunities and threats in the external environment. What is perhaps of major importance is for the organization

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

CRM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

CRM - Research Paper Example Its market share has reached 20% in the hypertension drug market. The company wanted to raise the awareness about Amodipine brand through advertising it as nation’s hypertension drug (Hanmi, â€Å"Hanmi at Glance†). Clari is another major pharmaceutical product of Hanmi Pharmaceutical Company. It is a Macrolide Antibiotic. It is one the Hanmi’s first generic drugs which are used to cure infection. It has benefited Hanami with robust sales and has ranked second in the sales of drugs after amodipine. Its sales were above 10 million USD in the year 2009 (Hanmi, â€Å"Hanmi at Glance†). Hanmi Pharmaceutical Hanmi Pharmaceutical Company was established in the year 1973 and from then onwards it has grown remarkably. Hanmi incessantly showed 20% to 30% growth rate since its establishment. It has emerged as one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in Korea. In the year 2008 its sales was more than 558 million USD. By developing good R&D strategy Hanami Pharmace utical has now been able to become a most competitive organization in the international market (Hanmi, â€Å"Hanmi at Glance†). Value of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) CRM is an approach to create, expand and maintain customer relationship. It provides a vision to an organization in order to deal with their valuable customers. To meet these visions, organization should implement effective CRM strategies that can increase the sales, develop the customer service, marketing and data analysis activities. Notably, the main objective of CRM is to maximize beneficial relationship with customer for both dealer and customer. Hanmi’s high quality marketing as well as sales based information technology is considered as the main driving force which has resulted in consumer growth. Hanmi Pharmaceutical is dedicated to develop and provide innovative and valuable drugs to the customer to maintain an effective customer relationship. Hanmi Pharmaceuticals has been producing Cep halosporin products since 1987 and supplies products in over 40 countries. Hanmi has a wide range of customers in many countries of the USA, Europe and Asia. Their new manufacturing plant has the ability to produce many ‘innovative drug APIs and intermediates’ (Hanmi, â€Å"Hanmi at Glance†). Hanmi Pharmaceutical also maintains efficient relationship with their global partners for exploring modified drugs such as esomeprazole, clopidogrel, clari, amodipine and others. Hanmi is also working to find business partners in other parts of the world where they have not established yet (Hanmi, â€Å"News Archives†). In the year 2007 Hanmi Pharmaceutical got â€Å"Forbes management first prize†. Forbes had put a high valuation on Hanmi because of adopting ERP IT technology and took the social responsibility through a sustainable management approach. Hanmi Pharmaceutical always supports society to help customers live better in a cleaner environment. For insta nce, for children Hanmi changed single cap medicine to double capped medicine. It planned and promoted various strategies to upgrade the quality of life of customers with efficient CRM strategies (Hanmi, â€Å"News Archives†). Customer Retention Program (CRP) Often organizations develop programs which offer purchase inducement, such as discounts on any purchase from any company or â€Å"soft benefits† which is referred to as Customer Retention Program (CRP). An effective CRP includes plans and methods for identification and registration of customer, customer segmentation, design