Monday, December 30, 2019

Privacy Privacy And Privacy - 1504 Words

Privacy advocates warn that many Websites try to collect personal information from online users, but few guarantees how that data will be used. They say the federal government should establish standards to protect privacy online. But Internet businesses and others contend that they can safeguard users privacy without resorting to government interference. Law-enforcement agencies, meanwhile, favor government limitations on the use of sophisticated encryption technology, which makes online communications secure - even from the police. They fear that strong encryption software will aid criminals in hiding their activities. But privacy advocates argue that encryption technology assures companies and consumers that their online communications are not being tampered with. . In one of the interview by By Biance Bosker, Mark Zuckerberg said â€Å"Facebook isn t violating your privacy -- Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are.† The Internet has become not only a primary means of communicatio n, but a place where millions of Americans store important personal data, from credit-card numbers and bank account information to family photos and histories of their online purchases. But that data does not have the same legal protection as data that Americans store in their homes. What s more, powerful new technologies are creating unexpected challenges to privacy online. Advertisers, for example, can now track the Web sites you visit, and actions you take on those sites, to analyze how to moreShow MoreRelatedPrivacy And The Privacy Of Privacy1803 Words   |  8 PagesFirstly, it would be a good idea to explain exactly what privacy is and then discuss the importance of privacy and some of the legal consequences that could arise when violating a patient’s privacy. I’ve always believed that privacy is one of the most important things when it comes to the patient s care. One of the main forms of privacy that I would like to discuss is, Informational privacy which is d efined as the privacy of personal information and usually relates to personal data stored on computerRead MorePrivacy And The Privacy Of Privacy1735 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s society, the word â€Å"privacy† has become ubiquitous. When discussing whether government surveillance and data collection pose a threat to privacy, the most common retort against privacy advocates – by those in favor of databases, video surveillance, spyware, data mining and other modern surveillance measures – is this line: If I’m not doing anything wrong, what would I have to hide? The allowance of the government’s gathering and analysis of our personal information stems from an inadequateRead MorePrivacy And The Privacy Of Privacy1626 Words   |  7 PagesPrivacy is the ability to maintain what or who can access and see your personal content and information. With that, the idea of privacy is different amongst different cultures and countries, while they all differ, they share common characteristics. The act of sharing ones own personal information is decision one must make on their own. Privacy is a right that all people should have and the government has the responsibility of maintaining that right. Data such as personal emails, bank details, medicalRead MorePrivacy Issues : Privacy And Privacy Essay2250 Words   |  9 PagesPrivacy Privacy has been a thing for consideration ever since the early days and has even become more worrisome recently with the evolvement of information technology. Individuals around the world value their privacy and the protection of their personal information. Having a knowledge of who is accessing their information and what it is being used for. But with the recent and rapid evolvement of IT, information privacy is being threatened and individuals no longer possess the control over who hasRead MorePrivacy1776 Words   |  8 PagesRunning Head: THE EXISTENCE OF PRIVACY WITH TECHNOLOGY THE EXISTENCE OF PRIVACY WITH TECHNOLOGY Obediah Howard Bellevue University â€Æ' THE EXISTENCE OF PRIVACY WITH TECHNOLOGY Abstract This research paper will discuss the relationship between privacy and technology. It will attempt to ascertain if technology and privacy can share the same plane of existence. Benefits and deficiencies of a particular technology are not hereditary to that technology, but are depend on theirRead MorePrivacy Is An American Invasion Of Privacy3114 Words   |  13 PagesPrivacy is an especially equivocal idea, in particularly because invasion of privacy is a concept that is arguably questionable. Privacy has been defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. While this definition serves as a quick start to the right of privacy, there are still several interpretations as to what may or may not constitute as an invasion of privacy. What one person may believe to be an innocent curiosityRead MoreA Brief Note On Privacy And The Privacy2459 Words   |  10 PagesDec. 2014 A Right to Privacy Technology has proposed a variety of different options to support the privacy rights of people. At the same time, technology has also done the opposite, making it almost impossible for anyone to have secured privacy. Nowadays, there are multiple hacking programs or devices that can help protect private information; however, they can also be used to invade privacy. Modern-day society has records of incidents and events involving the invasion of privacy, including those notRead MorePrivacy Is An American Invasion Of Privacy3113 Words   |  13 PagesIntroduction Privacy is an especially equivocal idea, in particularly because invasion of privacy is a concept that is arguably questionable. Privacy has been defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. While this definition serves as a quick start to the right of privacy, there are still several interpretations as to what may or may not constitute as an invasion of privacy. What one person may believe to be anRead MorePrivacy Rights And The Privacy3319 Words   |  14 Pagescountries and organizations are approaching privacy issues along with my predictions how it will unfold the future There is a concern about many users privacy worldwide. Technology is constantly upgrading and internet is being used daily worldwide. Laws are constantly changing and there are many concerns about this. In this essay, I will be talking about why Companies are collecting data, laws regarding privacy policies and I will give prediction on how privacy issues will unfold in the future. WhatRead MoreThe Invasion Of Privacy And Privacy1399 Words   |  6 PagesCelebrities; They Have A Right To Their Privacy Too   Ã‚  Ã‚   Invasion of privacy occurs way too often in society. How would you feel if you had your personal photos hacked, and then reposted onto the internet, what if they were your nude photos? What about your medical records, would you like to have your records stolen and then announced for the whole world to know? Many groups have their privacies hacked, stolen, abused, or even shared through other means of social media.   Look at one particular group

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dramatic Changes in New Media - 1891 Words

It has been said that new media is making dramatic changes in every aspect of people’s lives, and is revolutionary in how we learn and communicate with each other. In fact, the development and availability of new media is arguably the most revolutionary change in our societies progress to develop and expand knowledge in all areas of expertise. New media refers to â€Å"on demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, and creative participation. Another aspect of new media is the real time generation of new and unregulated content† (New Media, Wikipedia). Although the most familiar example of new media is the Internet and websites, it also includes computer multimedia, video games, DVDs, and all sorts of streaming data sources. These allow user interaction in a completely different manner than the â€Å"old media†, such as television, movies, and printed material (newspapers, books). All of this has become increasingly possible over the past few years as advances in science and technology have enabled increasingly rapid movement of data to multiple different device platforms. In today’s society, nearly every person has almost constant access to a data device. This leads to data’s impact to be magnified many times than with previous old te chnology. One’s ideas as expressed by digital data can expand exponentially through these existing data networks. This allows the author of the ideas to expand the reach of his data to includeShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of New Media In The Tunisian And Egyptian Protests710 Words   |  3 Pagesof change is that they were linked by some observers to social media that were attributed not only an important role in those dramatic events, but a key one. Although the online media, such as â€Å"Facebook† and â€Å"Twitter†, were essential platforms in those protests, many scholars, such as Fuchs (2012), strongly criticise what they consider to be an overemphasis on the impact of these new media on the uprisings. In this essay, I will examine the argument that online media (basically social media) areRead MoreThe Evolution Of Miley Cyrus Essay1652 Words   |  7 Pagesimage by creating a new star text that was the polar opposite of her previous. A star text is everything that we associate with a start, including their promotion and body of work. Her hit sitcom Hannah Montana built her previous brand identity that connected with her audience of adolescent children. Miley’s original image was known for being a sweet and innocent teenage girl. Now her current start text identifies with heartbreak, drugs, activism and nonconformity. The extreme change of start text shockedRead MoreMiley Cyrus s Original Image Essay1654 Words   |  7 Pagescreating a new star text that was the polar opposite of her previous. A star text is considered to be everything that we associate with a start, including their promotion and body of work. Her hit sitcom Hannah Montana built her previous brand ident ity that connected with her audience of adolescent children. Miley’s original image was known for being a sweet and innocent teenage girl. Now her current start text identifies with heartbreak, drugs, activism and nonconformity. The extreme change of startRead MoreThe Emergence Of The Internet And Social Media1079 Words   |  5 PagesThe emergence of the Internet and social media has had a tremendous impact on the theory and practice of advertising, public relations and marketing disciplines. Advertising spending on the Internet has outpaced all other traditional media (Center for Media Research, 2004). In the last two years, the number of social networking tools and the number of people using those tools have exploded, thus the rules are constantly changing and there is considerable uncertainty on how to employ these tools fromRead MoreContribution of Digital Projections for Approaching Mise En Scene in Contemporary Theatre Performance1401 Words   |  6 PagesBy utilizing the best dramatic devices that each  art form  has to covey a story and entertain an audience; the possibilities to create interesting  narratives  and stage dynamics through the  synergy  of stage and cinematic design is exciting. Cinematic theatre is a contemporary style of  drama  that revolves around using pre-edited and live vision sequences to be projected onto screens and surfaces. These sequences are then integrated with the live performance to create dramatic meaning that interactsRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media977 Words   |  4 Pagescritics in news outlets because people wonder why the shooting of 17 year old teenager airs by the means of showing a picture of the victim at age twelve. Bias occurs from these types of actions. This type of action carries into political markets by looking at the way major media outlets can be measured by their types of broadcasts. Some may be more liberal and others conservative. More specifically, the leading liberal outlets are Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and CBS evening news; the leadingRead MoreFree Speech, Media Regulation And Media And Society1320 Words   |  6 Pages After all my readings and research, I have come to the conclusion that free speech, media regulation and media and society are very controversial topics. There are many aspects of each that can be agreed or disagreed on. Breaking down each, I am going to analyze what I think about the author’s line of arguments and recommendations, as well as give my own. First, topic is free speech and I am going to start off with the essay written by John Barlow in the book Copy Fights. His opinion on free speechRead MoreThe Censorship Of The Media1665 Words   |  7 Pages Privacy in the Media In addition, the media is in an especially complex situation regarding the current concept of privacy regarding the proper use of technology and due to the numerous ethical issues, that arise from sensationalist media practices. First, the invasion of privacy can be justified by uncovering vital information that serves public interest to be considered ethical journalistic practice (Plaisance, 2014, p. 187). However, while there is less ethical merit in providing the publicRead MoreEssay about Book Report on Martin Esslins an Anatomy of Drama1039 Words   |  5 Pagescommunication? Esslin then immediately poses another question that he seems to take as a prerequisite for the first question: What is the underlying, basic nature of dramatic form and what is it that drama can express better than any other form of communication? Esslins book consists of eleven chapters each of which touches on a dramatic phenomenon or critical issue. His book is opens with a preface and is appended a general index of plays and secondary resources. There are three explanatory diagramsRead MoreEssay on The Printing Press791 Words   |  4 Pagesthe way people thought about writing. Since the introduction of the printing press four centuries earlier, there had been a very limited amount of new inventions pertaining to writing or the world of the mechanized press. Advancements certainly had been made to modernize the printing process, but the typewriter was the next invention that would change the face of writing. The typewriter made writing more common and accessible and loosened up proper business etiquette. Professionals shifted from

Friday, December 13, 2019

Nurse Manager Paper Free Essays

Nurse Manager Paper NUR 4301 Nursing Seminar The nurse manager I selected to interview is a Baccalaureate degree nurse and has attended several in-house training sessions related to her position within the hospital. She attended Lenoir Rhyne University to obtain her BSN and has been employed with the institution for 13 years and has been in nursing for nearly 20 years. She is currently certified as a Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) and is also a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. We will write a custom essay sample on Nurse Manager Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Hospital that she is employed with is a private hospital she manages a 15 bed emergency department and 6 bed express care facility, which also holds several involuntary commitments for several hours at a time waiting on placement. This nurse manager oversees 62 persons within the emergency department of this private medical center. She works full-time, generally from 9:00am until 5:30pm, Monday-Friday. The nurse manager must work closely with the emergency department Administrative Director to reinforce and disseminate information important to the nursing staff, she must enforce policies and carry out plans, and she must handle disciplinary problems that may arise in the absence of the Administrative Director. She is responsible for insuring that the ER flows smoothly with the assistance of the charge nurse. She ensures that supplies and equipment are available, she is involved in the interview process for new hires and must perform evaluations on current employees after probation and then annually. The nurse manager I interviewed considers herself to be a democratic leader and delegates a huge portion of the day-to-day operations to the charge nurse, however she is not above performing actual clinical duties, especially in times of disaster or overcrowding. She considers her unit to flow smoothly and feels that teamwork is a key component to that success. This nurse manager considers herself to be a very effective leader, who encourages communication. She wants her employees to voice their concerns and ideas without fear of retaliation and the hospital is very supportive of that mindset. She has an open door policy and considers her employees to be like family. She expects her employees to maintain a positive attitude and if they do not have one she helps them to achieve a positive attitude. The major challenges that she expressed to me were understaffing and constant bickering between certain female co-workers. With regard to understaffing, corporate has not offered any viable solutions, due to non-peak times in the ER. This means at times it is either feast or famine. The staff knows this and tends to simply suck it up and pull together when it gets busy. When co-workers come to her with a complaint she takes time to discuss the matter in depth and non-judgmentally with the employee, surprisingly in most cases she stated that after the discussion it turned out that the problem originated with the one filing the complaint. She further works with the person on strategies to be a more effective interpersonal communicator and soon the problems lessen or resolve entirely. The nurse manager stated that her vision for her unit was to have her entire staff be clinically sound and function confidently under adverse client load. She expects upmost teamwork from her staff and expects the unit to operate efficiently with upmost regard for staff and client safety. She went on to add that she was initially unsure about being a nurse manager, she was encouraged to apply by her the Administrative Director and once promoted, she was given little direction in how to perform her job. She met with the charge nurses and basically took their group input on how the unit would operate effectively and fine-tuned it, the result has been very effective and had excellent feedback from her employees as well as upper management. She did add that managing people is far more tiring and difficult than managing patient care. She also expressed to me that she did miss working on the floor and dealing directly with the clients regularly. I felt that based on her feedback the nurse manager that I interviewed was a very effective unit manager; she applied fundamental concepts to the management of her staff which primarily focused on effective communication and teamwork. These concepts also support her own theory that she is a democratic leader. References Huber, Diane. (2010). Leadership and nursing care management. Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevier. How to cite Nurse Manager Paper, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Monopolistic competition free essay sample

An example of a firm operating in monopolistic competition is The Wendys Company. The market for this company is fast food (specifically, burgers). This company operates in monopolistic competition because there are lots of companies in this market (McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Burger King, etc. ). Each company advertises virtually the same product, but certain companies produce a product that is slightly better than the products produced by other companies, so these companies have a slight advantage. Due to this slight advantage, these companies are able to sell their products at a slightly higher price, and advertise their products as higher quality (Wendys commercials highlight that their burgers are more fresh than their competitors counterparts). The presence of a large number of companies indicates that there are few barriers for a new company to enter this market. An example of a firm operating in an oligopoly is Pepsi Co. We will write a custom essay sample on Monopolistic competition or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This company operates in an oligopoly because there are a few companies in the soft drinks market, which indicates that there are lots of barriers for a new company to enter the market. When we think of the soft drink industry, two of the names that immediately come to mind are the Coca-Cola Co. and Pepsi Co. These companies are successful and have a world-wide consumer base (due to their presence in the world-wide soft drink market), which makes it hard for newer companies to enter the industry and succeed. An example of a company that operates in a monopoly is ESPN, the sports news company. When looking for sports news, the channel everyone turns to is ESPN. They are the only company that has a world-wide reputation for being the premier channel for news on the sports world. There are no other companies that can come close to matching ESPNs reach or success, since this company is the only company that is solely devoted to delivering news on sports, twenty-four hours a day. Other news channels have time segments allotted for reporting relevant sports headlines, but ESPN has airtight control in this area since sports is their only focus, and they report on all different kinds of sport (basketball, football, baseball, tennis, etc. ). Thus, there is a sort of absolute barrier to new companies that wish to enter the market of sports news.