Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Management Essay

Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Management - Essay Example Also, the SPIN framework is critiqued and analysed in order to provide information about how social media can be employed to help stakeholders in the film industry to maximise their offerings and activities in relation to the production and sale of films to the wider society and community. The Internet is the largest computer network in the world. It is a platform on which most computers can connect and get access to shared information from different parts of the world and this has created a unique and distinct marketplace for people to interact. This network has been utilised by various business and corporate entities in the world and there is the possibility of the film industry using it to achieve various forms of results in their marketing and promotion of affairs. To this end, it is important to analyse the concepts of social media and viral marketing. This is because they provide the basis for the analysis of the practical application and utilisation of the Internet for business purposes. â€Å"Social media refers to the use of web-based and mobile technology to communication into an interactive dialogue† (Evans, 2012; p62). This means that social media relates to the use of the Internet to create platforms on which different people and different individuals can interact and exchange various forms of information. Social media therefore involves various social channels that changes over time. These channels offer the space within which people can interact and communicate in order to share ideas and thoughts. The audience and people who use the social spaces on the Internet take an active part in the communication and interactions on these social media channels. Thus, such media channels that exists on the Internet can be utilised by various film producers and film marketing and promotion entities to get their information and views known. This can be done through the professional use of information and data

Monday, October 28, 2019

Economic Equilibrium Essay Example for Free

Economic Equilibrium Essay In economic equilibrium, quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal. For example, the amount of goods or serivices set by buyers is equal to the amount of goods or services produced by sellers. This is what we call as equilibrium price and this will definitely not change unless demand or supply changes. Based on the lecture, due to scarcity we sometimes consider trade-offs. For example as what was stated in the lecture, supposedly that you have only six hours left to study for your test in economics and to complete your assignment in graphic design, you have to balance your time or spend more time in either economics or graphic design. You also have to consider the resources that you can maximize in accomplishing both things. Having a fixed quantity and quality of available resources means that you have a fixed supply of materials such as textbooks, notes, design software, etc. , to use in the time you have left. Scarcity triggers the society to make choices and thats why there are trade-offs. I agree that economic equilibrium is the state wherein you dont get any benefits at all in making trade-offs because there is no tendency to change or you alreay chose the best possible alternative which means that you have maximized already your limited resources. Reference Economics Basics: Demand and Supply. ( 2010 ). Retrieved July 15, 2010 from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Boy-Actresses and the Character of Rosalind in As You Like It :: Shakespeare As You Like It Essays

Boy-Actresses and the Character of Rosalind in As You Like It      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When Shakespeare wrote his plays, women were not permitted to perform on stage, so boys played all of the female characters.   Unlike many apprenticeships, a boy learning to become an actor had no set age at which to begin and no set length of how long to study, but they usually began around the age of ten and continued playing women or adolescent roles for about seven years.   These boys were apprenticed to a specific actor within an acting group, and were not attached to the organization as a whole.   There was a very strong teacher-pupil relationship between the adult actor and the boy, but there was also very often a father-son relationship.   The boys usually lived in the adult actors home with his family.   The idea of an apprentice is not difficult to imagine, but for many modern audiences, a boy playing the role of a women is very difficult to picture.   This picture is even more difficult to see when examining the plays of Shakespeare and the str ong female characters that he often depicts.   (Bentley 117)    In Shakespeare's As You Like It, Rosalind has many layers and acts as a character taking on many different roles.   The idea that there is a boy playing a woman disguised as a man pretending to be a woman for wooing, is one that is confusing and yet makes sense.   What adds to this is the idea that Rosalind, disguised as Ganymede, is pretending to be Rosalind, not another woman, but herself.   One can see that she occasionally slips from the role of Ganymede pretending, to being Rosalind, with comments such as "And I am your Rosalind" (Norton 4.1-56) and "By my life, she will do as I do" (Norton 4.1-135).   In these instances it is as though Rosalind forgets that she is disguised as a man, but what does this mean for the actor playing her character?   For one it shows that he must be clear as to which role of the character he was playing.   As one can imagine    "An audience would be confused unless the performer, regardless of gender, made it clear when Rosalind herself was speaking, when the character was speaking as Ganymede, and when Ganymede was the stereotyped 'Rosalind'"   (Shapiro 122).    This idea brings up the versatility that the boy must have had in order to play such a role.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Essay -- mytholog

My original thought when comparing Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief the movie and Classical mythology was that there would be many more references to the myth of Perceus than any other myth throughout the movie in its entirety. That’s where I was wrong. After watching the movie again and researching the different hero myths my opinion has changed. My new thoughts are that the movie is not influenced by the myth of Perceus any more than other hero myths. The movie ties together many different heroes’ stories and mixes them together to make a wonderful story about a young boy. The movie was based on a book series written by Rick Riordan. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief the movie is about a young boy who has just discovered that he is a demi-god Percy Jackson. His father is Poseidon and his mother has been keeping it from him for many years. There is a lightning bolt that is stolen from Zeus on Mt. Olympus and Zeus believes that Percy has stolen it and demands its return by the summer solstice. In the mean time Percy gets attacked by multiple magical and mythological beings. There is a camp that demi-gods are safe from these things which is where Percy’s mother and his protector, Grover, take him to. This is where Percy’s journey begins. After a few days of being at the camp he realizes what he has to do. His mother was taken by Hades to the underworld and Percy has to save her all while trying to prove to Zeus that he did not steal the Lighting bolt. This is the true start to Percy’s quest. He made a few friends in the camp and they agreed to go on this journey with him. Those accompanying him were his protector Grover and Athena’s daughter Annabeth. They also get some helpful tools fro... ...but they also believe that it is influenced by current day books such as Harry Potter more than Greek myth. Even though the movie and book may be influenced by these pop culture books that is to say that those books are not influenced by Greek myth. There are influences of mythology all through the world and most things in the world are influenced by mythology in some way. References "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief." IMDb., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. . Siegel, Dr. Janice. "Dr. J's Illustrated Lectures." Dr. J's Illustrated Lectures. Dr. Janice Siegel, 26 Nov. 2005. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. . "Camp Half-Blood Wiki." Wikia. Wiki, n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2013. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Maritime Hull and Machinery Book report Essay

Introduction This book about the elements of shipping Emphasis is also placed on professionalism and the need to have the latest technology and professionally qualified personnel to operate a shipping service today. It remains essential reading for the shipping executive along with students and academics with an interest in the shipping industry. Hull and Machinery includes studies about cutting by a wedge of longitudinally stiffened plates for application to the grounding resistance of single hull and double hull ships. Two types of ship hull design were used as prototypes for the development of small scale models. A conventional longitudinally stiffened Single Hull (SH) and the Undirectionally Stiffened Double Hull (USDH) design. To model the cutting experiments the complex deformation patterns observed in the damaged specimens were simplified to obtain a closed-form upper bound for the steady state cutting force required for the USDH specimen. An existing closed-form upper bound solution for the wedge cutting initiation force of a single plate was applied to the longitudinally stiffened single hull specimens by smearing the geometry to obtain an equivalent thickness single plate. A total of eleven cutting experiments were conducted using six different wedge geometries. Early work in grounding prediction has been to perform plate cutting experiments which produced empirical formulas for the work to cut a flat plate. The main purpose of Hull and Machinery is to provide the ship owner with an expectation of status quo regarding a vessel’s operational ability during a maritime enterprise. Since marine perils are a risk that the ship owner assumes each venture. Improper design and the improper selection and use of materials is the primary cause of most non-damage related structural failures. Contrary to common belief, actual manufacturing defects only rarely figure into structural failures. It should come as no surprise to any surveyor that the ship building industry, much like the automotive industry which, after more than 70 years of mass production, backed up with their enormous financial resources, is still fraught with frequent design defects. Body Efforts have been quite significant in quantifying the force required to cut a single plate, but do not account for the effects of stiffeners and inner hull that exist in the actual geometry of ships. In order to adequately predict the lift and drag forces in a ship undergoing a grounding accident and the subsequent extent of damage. Global lifting of the ship against gravitational forces is done. There are Friction forces between the bottom hull plating and the grounding surface, plastic deformation of the hull girder, and forces required to fracture the hull structure. In grounding, the ship initially lifts and rides over the rock causing only hull indentation. Once the force due to the weight of the ship overcomes the plating membrane strength,   the hull plating ruptures. Kinetic energy of the ship is given up to friction forces, plastic deformation, and fracture as tearing over a length of the hull plating ensues. The work in this book report it does not account for the lifting and subsequent rupture of the ship, but assumes that the tearing of the hull plating is well progressed. The indentation and rupture of a ship hull is the structural design of a ship typically starts by determining the loading conditions that the ship will be experiencing during its service life. Normal operation includes loading conditions such as bending of the hull girder (hogging, sagging, and still water), cargo live loads, structural dead loads, liquid loads, cyclic fatigue, and exterior hydrostatic loads. The ship is also subjected to infrequent loads such as flooding and dry docking, and in the case of naval vessels, combat loads such as underwater explosions. The structure is designed, analyzed, and optimized to withstand the normal loads to some allowable stress level, and to remain intact under extreme loads subjected to a vertical load is considered a separate mechanism. Mission characteristics such as payload capacity and endurance determine the size of the ship. This establishes the length, beam, and depth of the ship, and, hence, the structural dimensions. Modern ships make use of this principle of construction. The said construction is the sum of its many parts while a fiberglass boat hull is essentially one component. The combination of molded hull and deck joined together creates a unified whole that is much stronger than the sum of its parts. But ships are proportionately far heavier and are subjected to different stresses. While the bottoms of hulls take the major brunt of stresses, and must be designed to withstand them, the construction still plays a major role in providing strength to the overall structure. In actual operation under heavy conditions, the hull sides of most boats will deflect to greater or lesser degrees depending on how well it is designed. This is the result of impact loading, bending and torsional loading on the hull caused by high velocity over waves, porpoising and so on. If you’ve ever wondered why there are ships have rub rails falling off and weak and damaged hull/deck joints, you probably thought that this was primarily due to hitting up against dock pilings. But the real reason is that there are ships who have poorly designed hull/deck joints that are simply lap joints screwed together. It is the stress transferred from the hull bottom to the hull sides and thence to hull/deck join that causes the screws that join these parts together to break loose. Putting screws into fiberglass is a terrible means of making connections. Screw joins are simply too weak to work effectively. Partial bulkheads are really nothing more than frames and do not serve any greater function than frames. It is a mistake to call a hull partition with two doors in it a bulkhead, for it is really only a partition or a partial bulkhead at best. Surveyors often mistake partitions for bulkheads. Remember that to be classified as such, a bulkhead must be serving the purpose of tying the four sides of the hull together (bottom, deck and sides). If the shot full of holes and openings, it’s not achieving that purpose. Conclusion It is important to be aware of the nuances and exclusions from Hull and Machinery cover as well as to be aware of cover options and requirements. For instance, although the ship, equipment and spare parts are covered by the Hull and Machinery insurance, loose items that accompany the ship in its trade, but which cannot be deemed to be a part of it, e.g. stores and supplies are covered under the ITCH, but not under the Plan. As a result, the ship owner may consider purchasing additional insurance cover for items falling outside of the Plan’s cover provisions. However, many times, the loss and/or damage of such items fall well below the deductive. Another important consideration is cover of items that are not normally on board the ship for an indefinite or prolonged period of time. The Plan’s prerequisite for covering equipment and spare parts under the Hull and Machinery cover is that they are normally on board. Therefore, an individual assessment should be made. Even less did I anticipate the effect on how the hull would handle with a 41% overall weight reduction. Scale model testing revealed the boat to be so light that it would pitch and roll so violently that it would be uninhabitable to human beings. It developed a whip-snap roll in a 3†² sea that would literally throw people off the deck. Or when pitching, launch them like a trampoline. However, there has been some extension into production building mainly so-called niche markets such as race boats, both power and sail. And to the extent that it is clear that the production boat building industry does not possess the necessary capital resources, nor the profit margins to sustain them, their incorporation of this technology into production building is very likely to continue along the lines of trial and error. What this portends for the surveyor are the risks of failing to locate design failures during surveys, failures involving design, materials and construction techniques that fall into the realm of the experimental. Make no mistake about it experimentation with new materials directly into a product is the norm, not the exception. With this basis understanding of the principles of good hull design, we can now begin to study the effects of what happens when these principles are violated. References Branch, Alan E. Elements of Shipping 7th Ed. Routledge Publication. N.Y. ISBN 0748760393 US Cost Guard Guide to Regulations for Passenger Vessels. (2001). http://www.uscg.mi/ng/9-m/nvic/301/n3-01.pdf Kahloism. (1971). Ship Construction. Shipping Container. (1974).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Puritanism in the scarlet letter essays

Puritanism in the scarlet letter essays Puritanism was the religion practiced by the people of colonial Boston, the setting for Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter. The author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, utilizes imagery to convey that Arthur Dimmesdale, a Puritan minister of the town, does indeed represent the Puritan society and not only the round character that can be viewed on the surface level. This is seen through the imagery and symbolism of hypocrisy, Dimmesdale as a Christ leader, and the scarlet letter. Hawthorne parallels the hypocrisy of Dimmesdale to that of Puritan society. Hawthorne describes Dimmesdale as, "a viler companion of the vilest, the worst of sinners," even though Dimmesdale is seen as the most holy man in the Puritan community. Puritan society was supposed to be a utopian society and do away with their English traditions, but instead was very strict and highly religious. Similarly, as Dimmesdale was supposed to be holy, yet they both were hypocritical. Dimmesdale also portrays the hypocrisy of Puritan society by not initially taking his place on the scaffold, "Ye have both been here before, but I was not with you... and we will stand all three together." While Dimmesdale hid his sin at the first scaffold scene, so did the Puritans when they colonized America. The Puritans faults were not initially that obvious, but as time grew on they appeared on their own scaffold just as Dimmesdale does. Hawthorne writes about one of Dimmesdale's sermons that are, "address ed to the multitude a discourse on sin, in all its branches." In Dimmesdale's sermons, he speaks out against sin while at the same time he commits his own sins of adultery and deceit, just as the Puritans committed sins. Dimmesdale's character models Puritan society in the way they treat religious persecution. The Puritans left England to flee from religious intolerance, but when they settled in the colonies, they had no religious tolerance for people with different religious beliefs...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Anti-mosquito candle Essays

Anti-mosquito candle Essays Anti-mosquito candle Paper Anti-mosquito candle Paper Again, the foul smell of belching a mixture of chemicals to produce smoke can cause health problems too particularly those who suffer room asthma. The researcher of this study finds a solution to go natural in preventing the deadly mosquitoes from infesting our households. The study incorporates the tested herbal plant in a mixture of wax to come up with mosquito-repelling candles or the anti;mosquito candles. It is not uncommon that in a rural place like in Indoor, many households still rely on candles and other burner during nights. The use of lighting is more evident during intermittent outage of electricity. All these having considered, the use of this product will benefit many households not only in the local bargain where he study was tested but to other community who wants to use a natural and effective way to prevent the bites of mosquitoes. Chapter IV Research Plan a. Rationale The reported cases of Dengue are very alarming. Aside from fogging, cleaning and eliminating the breeding places of these mosquito, some households use mosquito killers to at least minimize the pests that room inside their house infesting people. But sad to say, the commercially produced insect killers and mosquito repellents that are available over the Counters are usually chemically produced which oftentimes are harmful to our health. Having to consider the elate effects of chemicals, the researcher tried to find out a substance that is safe and environmentally friendly. Oregano or Oregano Vulgar is the answer. It contains a chemical called Carroll; a natural oil insect repellent. The researcher mixed it in making a candle thus the candle is now called Anti-Mosquito Candle. It is good that while the candle is giving lights during brown outs it also eliminates mosquitoes. B. Statement of the Problem Generally this will study aim to make an anti-mosquito candle made from oregano oil that will protect its user against mosquito c. Specific statement of the problem Is there any significance difference between commercial candle and Anti- Mosquito candle made from oregano in terms of length of time? D. Statement of the Hypothesis There will be no significant difference between commercial candle and anti- mosquito candle made from oregano oil in terms of length of time e. Risk and Safety In conducting this study the researcher will use molten wax that can have severe burn damage to the skin. To avoid any harm or danger the researcher will use gloves to avoid accidents. The researcher will also need adult guidance to avoid unnecessary accidents, and f. Materials and Procedure In conducting this S. I. P. There are materials needed and procedure to follow. These are the following materials that are needed in this product and its uses. Wick Paraffin Scissor Stove Double broiler Lighter Cooking gloves/potholder Mold Oregano oil Stick Mixing spoon Place the double broiler in the stove with fire. Put the paraffin wax in the double broiler and let in melt for 15 minutes. After the wax was melted put the oregano oil to the melted wax and mix it. After the oil and wax was mix, prepare the mold or glass with the wick on the center of the mold hold by two sticks. Pour the melted mixture of Oregano oil and the melted wax easily and ruefully in the mold. Let it solidified for an hour. G. Data analysis Trials Anti-Moss auto Candle Commercial Mosquito Coil 49 minutes and 31 seconds 2 40 minutes and 23 seconds 3 50 minutes and 16 seconds The table shows the result of time consumed in each candle. In the first candles, in anti-mosquito candle consumed 49 minutes and 31 seconds while the commercial product is 44 minutes and 7 seconds. The second candles, the researchers product consumed 40 minutes and 23 seconds and the commercial candle consumed 57 minutes and 47 seconds. And last the anti- mosquito candle consumed 50 minutes and 16 seconds and the commercial reduce 58 minutes and 1 second. That is the result of the time consumed of each candle. Chapter V Introduction a. Background of the Study This study: the Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (oregano vulgar) oil is intended to help families with their mosquito problems. According to Department of Health (DOD), 42,207 dengue cases are reported in 2013. About 193 deaths were recorded from January to June alone. These are the total cases reported in every region. To help reduce the dengue cases, the researcher introduces oregano as component of a product mixture to repel mosquito. It contains the chemical compound Carroll which acts to peel insect. It has a warm and distinct odor of oregano that mosquito hates. Further, oregano oil is as strong as chlorine bleach and can be used in cleaning. The hospitalizing cost may be burdensome for a family having a meager income. It is not uncommon that most rural communities affected by dengue are those households with less expenditure for health purpose. With the use of this product, it would prevent the hospital expenses that may be incurred by the family. The research also intends to introduce alternative to chemically prepared mosquito repellent solutions. Research studies found armful ingredients in chemically prepared insect-repellent products that may cause health problems ranging from skin irritation, vomiting, reproductive and immune system disorder, and even cancer. The solution made from oregano plant mixed in candles is similar to the traditional candle making blend with aromatic oils. As an alternative to chemical-based mixture, the candles may serve dual purpose-? lighting in case of power outage and preventing mosquito bites. In this research, we measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the product compare to the ordinary candle commercially distributed in local stores. It is expected to identify the difference between the two types of candles. Finally with basis, to recommend further study to expand the use of the product which has beneficial effect to the users. B. Statement of the problem Generally this study aims to make an anti-mosquito candle made from oregano oil that will protect its users against mosquito c. Statement of the Hypothesis There is no significant difference between commercial candle and Anti- Mosquito Candle made from Oregano oil in terms of length of time d. Significance of the Study In this study Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (Arrogant Vulgar) Oil candle will have some beneficial effects to the people. People avoiding harmful insecticides, insect repellents, and mosquito coil can benefit from the natural ingredient of Anti Mosquito Candle. This study will significant to the study. Community- many people use harmful insecticide, and now they can use this candle to avoid mosquitoes Seller/Producer- this product may use in business or other, because people need this when having blackout and trouble with mosquito People Avoiding Harmful Chemicals- many people avoiding harmful chemicals, and those chemicals can be harmful to health of other peoples e. Scope and Limitation This study focuses the effectiveness of Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (Arrogant Vulgar) Oil to mosquito, and only for mosquito not for any types of insects or other pest. The Citronella will be the main ingredient. Citronella has the ability to keep away mosquito from us. This product will be conducted in Mascot, Victoria, Oriental Indoor at the Fatherlands residence. The period of the study covers from September 2014 to February 2015. F. Definition of Terms In conducting this product there are words that may encounter in this research paper. The researcher gave some definition of terms. Oregano- is a common species of oregano, a genus of mint family high aromatic leaves. Wax- a class of chemical compounds that are plastic = this is used to make candles Candle- is a solid block of wax with and embedded wick which ignite to provide light = this is the product of the researcher Oregano oil- the extract of oregano plant. = it has the warm odor of oregano that mosquito hates Mosquito- are family of small, midge-like flies. = it is the insect that usually harmful to humans g. Review of Related Literature and Studies In this study the researcher browse on encyclopedia and internet. He found out that oregano is used for cooking, medicinal herb, and also to repel insects. According to Dry. Marcela oregano contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, foliate, iron, magnesium, vitamin BE, calcium, and potassium. There are top 5 health benefits of oregano those were [1 Antioxidants for Immune System Support. Initiating, Antibacterial, and May Even Kill MRS.. Anti-inflammatory Properties. Useful for Upper Respiratory Infections. Cancer-fighting Effects. Those are the top 5 benefits of oregano. According to Dry. Edward F. Oregano oil was strong as the chlorine bleach. Mosquitoes are insects which make up the family Culicids. According to World Health Organization (WHO) Mosquitoes or Aides Egypt are the main vector that transmits the viruses that cause dengue. The females of most mosquito species suck blood (homoeopathy) from Other animals, which has made them the most deadly disease per year by the spread of diseases. Vectors known to man, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions Chapter VI Methodology A. Materials and Equipment In making the SIP there are materials and equipment that are needed. And these are the following: Wick- used to have light in the candle. Paraffin Wax- used to create candle. It is a class of chemical compounds that are plastic. Scissor- used to cute wick Stove- used to melt the wax Double broiler- used also in melting the wax Lighter- used to light the stove Cooking gloves/potholder- used to hold hot pan Mold- used to shape the candle. Oregano oil- the main ingredient Sticks- used to hold the wick in the mold Mixing spoon- used to mix the wax and the oil Measuring cup, used to measure the amount of oregano oil B. General Procedure Prepare the mold for the candle. Place the double broiler in the stove with fire. T the paraffin wax in the double broiler and let in melt for 15 minutes. After the wax was melted put the oregano oil to the melted wax and mix it. After the oil and wax was mix, prepare the mold or glass with the wick on the center of the mold hold by two sticks. Pour the melted mixture of oregano oil and the melted wax easily and carefully in the mold. Let it solidified for an hour. Thats how to make the prod uct. C. Testing In conducting this SIP, the researcher will test the length of time of the candle. The researcher tests it because he wants to know how long the candle will protect its users against mosquito. Chapter VII Result and Discussion In this chapter the researcher will discuss the result of the data, and below the t-test: for pared two samples for means. T-Test: Pared for Two Sample for Means Based on the computed value of T is greater than the tabular value of T. Therefore, its hypothesis is accepted that there is no significant difference between the commercial candle and Anti-Mosquito Candle in terms of length of time. Chapter VIII Conclusion After the research study the researcher strongly concluded that the mixture of wax and oregano oil is effective as an insect repellent. The oregano has a impound chemical called Carroll which is effective in killing mosquitoes. It is further found out that during brown outs, it has serves a double purpose Of lighting the household and at the same time killing mosquito. Chapter IX Recommendation In this chapter the researcher recommends to add more oregano oil about mall to be more effective against mosquito. It will improve the ability to reduce the dengue cases in the Philippines and other countries. In order to be more effective add more oil, because mosquito hates the chemical compound cavalry found in oregano oil and also may found in immemorial insect repellents.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Subordinate Clauses

Definition and Examples of Subordinate Clauses In  English grammar, a subordinate clause is a  group of words that has both a subject and a verb but (unlike an independent clause) cannot stand alone as a sentence. Also known as a dependent clause. Contrast this with a main clause and coordinate clause. Subordinate clauses are usually attached to main clauses or embedded in matrix clauses. Pronunciation: Suh-BOR-din-it Exercises Exercise in  identifying adverb clausesPractice identifying independent and dependent clauses Examples and Observations Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.(Mark Twain)That spring, when I had a great deal of potential and no money at all, I took a job as a janitor.(James Alan McPherson, Gold Coast, 1969)Memory is deceptive because it is colored by todays events.(Albert Einstein)Bailey and I did arithmetic at a mature level because of our work in the store, and we read well because in Stamps there wasnt anything else to do.(Maya Angelou,  I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1969)If you cant leave in a taxi you can leave in a huff. If thats too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff.(Groucho Marx, Duck Soup)If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.(John F. Kennedy)When you lose your laugh, you lose your footing.(Ken Kesey)Every book is a childrens book if the kid can read.(Mitch Hedberg) Grammatical Juniors Subordinate clauses are grammatical juniors, dependent on the main clause for complete sense. They are not subordinate in any other way; they need not be stylistically inferior, and indeed may be more informative than the main clause they depend on, as in this example: If you go on with a diet that consists exclusively of cottage cheese, dry toast, and Brazil nuts, I shall worry. The main clause is I shall worry: it is, I think, rather feeble in view of what precedes it, a sad anticlimax to what was promising to be a fairly arresting sentence. But although that previous clause is much more interesting in every other way, it remains grammatically subordinate: it could not stand on its own.(Richard Palmer, Write in Style: A Guide to Good English, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2002) Types of Subordinating Conjunctions Finite clauses are introduced by a subordinator, which serves to indicate the dependent status of the clause together with its circumstantial meaning. Formally, subordinating conjunctions can be grouped as follows: simple conjunctions: when, whenever, where, wherever, because, if, unless, until, while, as, althoughconjunctive groups: as if, as though, even if, even though, even when, soon after, no soonercomplex conjunctions:: there are three subclasses: (i) derived from verbs . . .: provided (that), granted (that), considering (that), seeing (that), suppose (that), supposing (that), so (that)(ii) containing a noun: in case, in the event that, to the extent that, in spite of the fact that, the day, the way(iii) adverbial: so/as long as, as soon as, so/as far as, much as, now (that) Angela Downing,  English Grammar: A University Course. Routledge, 2006) Subordinate Clauses in Poetry When I heard the learn’d astronomer;When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.(Walt Whitman, When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer. Leaves of Grass)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Relationship between decoration and structure in architecture Essay

Relationship between decoration and structure in architecture - Essay Example Decoration refers to the process of making a construction aesthetical while structure refers to the basic features of the structures that enhance the usability and effectiveness of the constructions. The need to balance between the two is vital owing to the role and relevance of the two features in the appropriateness of constructions. Architectures must strive to uphold the two while recognizing the variation in the priorities that they must provide each of the two features as portrayed in the discussion below. Among the fundamental structural features, that architectures must consider in the design of a construction is safety. Structural, material and functional honesty is an architectural value that guides the operations of architectures as they design and carry out various constructions. Honesty of a construction refers to the ability of the construction to bear the load without self-destructing since such would endanger the lives of the users. The value dictates that a structure must display its true purpose and not be merely decoration. This implies that the value recognizes the need for constructions to be aesthetical. However, it gives priority to the functionality of structures. Before incorporating various decorative features into a construction, architectures must ensure that the structures are safe and uphold their actual value. In case a decoration is likely to threaten the safety of a construction, the value dictates that the architectures must overlook such decorative measure s. Honesty as a design value ensures that designers consider and employ appropriate features that will ensure that a structure is safe and stay functional for the time set during its design. When designing a story building for example, the designers must consider such vital features such as the height of the structure, which as well influences the depth of the foundation especially with appropriate consideration to the stability of the location. The

Friday, October 18, 2019

The turtle trading strategys profitability in the current market Literature review

The turtle trading strategys profitability in the current market - Literature review Example It is a complete trading system that is based on mechanical trading hinged on market price signals. The following aspects of the trades were all accounted for and covered by the rules: what to buy and what to sell, or the markets; how much of a particular market to sell or to buy, or the size of the position; the timing of the buying and the selling; the stops, or the timing of bailing out of positions where the trader is in a losing proposition; the exits, or the timing of the bailing out of positions where the trader is winning; and the selling and buying hows, which comprise the tactics for the trading exercises. Moreover, the turtles trading system focused on a number of trading instruments, all of them markets that are considered liquid. In the Chicago Board of Trade, the turtles traded in 30 year and 10 year Treasury bonds and notes. In the New York Exchange for Sugar and Cocoa, the turtles traded in cotton, coffee, sugar and cocoa. In the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the turtl es focused on a select group of currencies, which included the Japanese Yen, the Canadian Dollar, the British Pound, and the Swiss Franc. The list also included the S&P 500 Index of Stocks, as well as the 90 day US treasuries. In the Comex, the focus were gold, copper and silver. Finally, in the New York Mercantile Exchange, the focus were on unleaded gas, heating oil, and crude oil (Faith 2003, pp. 7-11; Carr 2009; Lauer 2007; Adamu and Phelps 2010; Anderson n.d.; FinanceManila 2007; Stockopedia Features 2011; Carr 2009; Business Insider 2013; Kasera n.d.; Au.Tra.Sy 2010; Faith 2003; n.d.; Powerstocks Research n.d.; Palantir Technologies 2012; Kowalski 2013; Power 2012; Trading Blox n.d.). The turtles trading system takes its cue from the highs in the prices for 22 days and for 55 days. There are two parts to the trading rules. In system 1, the trader assumes a long position on a market whenever the price goes beyond the high for the preceding 20 days. Conversely, t he trader takes a short position whenever the price goes down below the low for the past 20 days. In the case of the last breakout resulting in a trade that is a win, the breakout signals are ignored. That said, the trader would record an entry on day 55, in order not to miss out on major moves in the markets. The exit for system 1 is when the price is a low for 10 days when the position is long, and the high for 10 days when the position is short. In system 2, the benchmark is 55 days, taking a buy position when the market price goes up beyond the high for the past 55 days, and a sell position when the market price goes below the low for the past 55 days. The exit signal for this system 2 mode is when the price is the low for the past 20 days for the long position, and the high for the past 20 days for the short position (Stockopedia 2013; Business Insider 2013; Kowalski 2013; Kasera n.d.; Au.Tra.Sy 2010; Carr 2009). An example makes the trading rules for the turtle trading system clear. In an instance where the price of a stock, say Nokia, goes up to a level that exceeds a hypothetical 20-day range of 3.40 US dollars on the high side, then that is a signal to buy. When the time comes, on the other hand, that the stock price dips below the low for a ten-day period, then that is the time to sell the Nokia stock. It is easy to see

Young people do too much cell phone texting these days Essay

Young people do too much cell phone texting these days - Essay Example the age bracket of between 18-29 years send or receive and average of 88 text messages every day compared to an average of 17 phone calls (Kluger Par 2). The rates of texting and volume, reduce with the advancement in age. However, even among the older sections of the population, though the volume of texting is reduced, there is a higher tendency of people texting as opposed to making calls. The high volume of texting among the youth is a function of a relatively big circle of friends in this age. In many cases, there are problems associated with the biggest volume of texting. Texting affects the ability of the youth, particularly high school and college students, to participate in class (Kluger Par 4). For example, a common feature in the present day classrooms is constant texting. Students are able to avoid the detection of the instructor because mobile phones have silent and vibration profiles that make it impossible for any other person but the owner to know when a message is received. The effects of texting is reduced in the attention span and the use of phones by the youth to escape the ‘boredom’ of the classroom. Therefore, the excessive texting among the youth is a problem because it inhibits the ability of young people to concentrate in class. Texting also affects social interaction skills among the youth. The excessive nature of texting and the ability to connect to strangers, ease of use and anonymity make texting easier and more convenient than personal communication (Villines Par 6). In addition, there are platforms where social media statuses are updated via texting. The effects of all these virtual communication platforms are a reducing value on conventional communication platforms. Therefore, there is a tendency for young people to develop poor communication skills as a function of their reliance on texting and other modes of virtual communication. Texting has its benefits. For example, it reduces the cost of communication, especially with

Thursday, October 17, 2019

NITI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NITI - Essay Example This trend does not however continue as it is soaked further. At 14 minutes, it is noted that the ultimate strength begins to rise again at a decline is again recorded as 21 minutes of soaking. In essence, soaking can be said to generally result into reduced ultimate strength. Niki titanium like other metals forms one of the periodic table elements. The metal, atomic number 22 has a silvery color, low density, and high yield strength (Donachie 11). Additionally, it experiences considerably high corrosion resistance. It can be alloyed by various metals including iron, aluminum and molybdenum, among others. The resulting alloy elements are often lightweight and strong enough for use in important equipment such as aerospace parts, military equipment, dental, implants, and mobile phones, among others. It is important to emphasize that the two most important engineering properties associated with niki titanium are corrosive resistance and highest strength to weight ratio than any other known metal. Some titanium match steel in strength but have more than half the weight of equivalent size of steel. Additionally, it is ductile and its high melting point allows both hot working and cold

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Journal - Assignment Example A utilitarianism approach will focus on the benefit of the larger group. Here attention will be given to the benefit of many rather than a few and the employees will be treated in a fair manner. Here the greater good of the customers will be considered and managed accordingly. Also, the resources will be used to help for the benefit of many. Finally, in terms of Care Ethics, here the focus is on relationships, vulnerability and empathy. The focus of this approach will be on the emotional aspects of the relationship with little or no attention to more serious elements which can impact the overall growth of the company or the customers. The three kinds of punishments for corporations are clearly, corrective advertising, community service order, and corporate death punishment. Corrective advertising refers to the need for the company to make a public announcement to disclose to the public the mistakes made and the possible issues that arise from the mistakes. Community service order is clearly a means to help make immoral organizations more in sync with the needs of the society and here the punishment is forced until the desired goals are not met. Finally, in terms of corporate death punishment, here the businesses are forced to go out of business by means of revocation of corporate charter. Ethics and morals are the same for every individual and corporation in society. Irrespective of what the organization feels or how the organization responds, it is clearly incorrect and unfair that individuals are treated differently than organizations, especially in the case of unethical or immoral behavior. Hence it is important that the same levels of punishment are given to both individuals as well as

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

NITI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

NITI - Essay Example This trend does not however continue as it is soaked further. At 14 minutes, it is noted that the ultimate strength begins to rise again at a decline is again recorded as 21 minutes of soaking. In essence, soaking can be said to generally result into reduced ultimate strength. Niki titanium like other metals forms one of the periodic table elements. The metal, atomic number 22 has a silvery color, low density, and high yield strength (Donachie 11). Additionally, it experiences considerably high corrosion resistance. It can be alloyed by various metals including iron, aluminum and molybdenum, among others. The resulting alloy elements are often lightweight and strong enough for use in important equipment such as aerospace parts, military equipment, dental, implants, and mobile phones, among others. It is important to emphasize that the two most important engineering properties associated with niki titanium are corrosive resistance and highest strength to weight ratio than any other known metal. Some titanium match steel in strength but have more than half the weight of equivalent size of steel. Additionally, it is ductile and its high melting point allows both hot working and cold

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Communication studies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Communication studies - Assignment Example A variety of definitions have been produced, yet the attempts to establish a single one seem to be not fruitful (Littlejohn and Foss 3). Thus, considering a few of existing definitions is the best way to understand the essence of the phenomenon. In scholarly literature, communication is considered within three major dimensions: level of observation or, in other words, abstractness, intentionality, and judgment. Within the first dimension, definitions of communication are viewed as broad (for example, communication is a process which relates discontinuous parts of the existing world) or restrictive (communication is a system used to communicate information and orders, through telegraph or telephones). Within the second dimension, the definition includes the dimension of intentionality. For example, communication is a term used to describe situations in which a source transmits a certain message to some receiver with a conscious intent to influence the behavior of the latter. Definitio ns that include judgment present communication within concepts of success, accuracy, effective outcome, etc. For instance, communication is a verbal interchange of some idea or thought (Littlejohn and Foss 4). ... The organizational structure includes employees, departments, their responsibilities, relations, resources, etc (Filipowska et al. 4). Organizational structures may be formal and informal. Virtually every company possesses a formal structure even if it is not strictly adhered to. Most companies also have an informal structure. It suggested that both structures are important for a company’s successful functioning, so it is necessary to learn their intricate characteristics. Formal structure is above all concerned with the existing relationship between authority and the junior. This is known as organizational hierarchy which starts with the most senior person at the top and ends with subordinate employees who are junior to managers of various levels. Informal structure is the one that develops around some project groups or some social groups. It is often grounded on camaraderie, which means people respond immediately and it is easier to continue working (Schatz, n.p.). The struc tures interact with each other in different situations: for instance, when the formal structure ceased to be effective people tend to rely more on the informal one, also working within formal structures, people may complete some tasks within informal structures, which saves time and effort. While communication in any organization is upward, downward, or horizontal (Lunenburg 2), there exist clear differences between the three. Upward communication takes place when the staffs communicate their ideas to a leader with the purpose of inform about some difficulties, clarify some tasks, complain about something etc. Downward communication encompasses communication which goes from higher levels to lower levels of an organization. It is

Weather Symbolism in a Farewell to Arms Essay Example for Free

Weather Symbolism in a Farewell to Arms Essay Snow In A Farewell to Arms, Ernest Hemingway attempts to tell the unvarnished truth about war — to present an honest, rather than a heroic, account of combat, retreat, and the ways in which soldiers fill their time when they are not fighting. Yet Hemingways realistic approach to his subject does not rule out the use of many time-honored literary devices. For instance, weather is to this day a fundamental component of the war experience. Hemingway depicts weather realistically in A Farewell to Arms, but he uses it for symbolic purposes as well. Rain, often equated with life and growth, stands for death in this novel, and snow symbolizes hope: an entirely original schema. In stories such as To Build a Fire, by Jack London, snow and ice quite logically represent danger and death. After all, one can freeze to death, fall through thin ice and drown, or perish beneath an avalanche. In Chapter II of A Farewell Arms, on the other hand, it is snow that ends the fighting described in the books first chapter. Thus snow stands for safety rather than its opposite. (Note, though, that although snow covers the bare ground and even the Italian armys artillery in Chapter II, stumps of oak trees torn up by the summers fighting continue to protrude — a reminder that winter is of course not permanent but merely a reprieve from combat, a cease-fire.) Shortly thereafter, Frederic Henry describes the priests home region of Abruzzi as a place where the roads were frozen and hard as iron, where it was clear and cold and dry and the snow was dry and powdery . . . , and the context leaves no doubt that this characterization is a positive one. Late in the novel, the argument between the Swiss policemen over winter sports not only provides much-needed comic relief; it also marks the beginning of Henry and Catherine Barkleys second idyll. (The first takes place in summertime, in Milan.) Immediately afterwards, Henry and Catherine find themselves in the Swiss Alps, with snow all around. Thus they have temporarily achieved a life of both purity (the mountains symbolize purity  in this novel, versus the corruption of the lowlands) and safety. These chapters positively radiate contentment. Rain Starting in the very first chapter of A Farewell to Arms, rain clearly symbolizes death: In the fall when the rains came the leaves all fell from the chestnut trees and the branches were bare and the trunks black with rain, Henry tells us. The vineyards were thin and bare-branched too and all the country wet and brown and dead with autumn. The rain symbolism is not entirely a literary conceit, either, as rain actually precedes an outbreak of fatal illness, the cholera that kills seven thousand that fall. Later, during their Milan idyll, Catherine makes the symbolism of the rain explicit for Henry — and for the reader: Im afraid of the rain because sometimes I see myself dead in it, she says to him. And sometimes I see you dead in it. Lo and behold, during Henry and Catherines trip from the armorers to the hotel near the train station on his last night with her, the fog that has covered the city from the start of the chapter turns to rain. It continues to rain as they bid one another farewell; in fact, Catherines last act in this part of the novel is to signal to Henry that he should step in out of the rain. Back at the front, the trees were all bare and the roads were muddy. It rains almost continuously during the chapter when the tide of battle turns and the Italians begin their retreat from Caporetto — and from the Germans who have joined the fighting. The rain turns to snow one evening, holding out hope that the offensive will cease, but the snow quickly melts and the rain resumes. During a discussion among the drivers about the wine they are drinking with dinner, the driver named Aymo says, To-morrow maybe we drink rainwater. Hemingway by this time has developed the rain symbolism to such a degree that the reader experiences a genuine sense of foreboding — and indeed, the following day will bring death to Henrys disintegrating unit. It is raining while the fugitive Henry rides the train to Stresa, raining  when he arrives, and raining while Henry and Catherine spend the night together in his hotel room. The open-boat trip across Lake Maggiore takes place in the rain, with an umbrella used as a sail. (Ominously, the umbrella breaks.) And in Chapter XL, as Henry and Catherine are bidding farewell to their wintertime mountain retreat for the city in which Catherines baby is to be born, Henry tells us that In the night it started raining. Finally, when Henry leaves the hospital for lunch during Catherines protracted, agonizing delivery, The day was cloudy but the sun was trying to come through — a literal ray of hope. During the operation, however, he looks out the window and sees that it is raining. Just after the nurse has told him that the baby is dead, Henry looks outside again and could see nothing but the dark and the rain falling across the light from the window. At the novels end, Henry leaves the hospital and walks back to his hotel in the rain. In fact, the final word in A Farewell to Arms is rain, evidence of weathers important place in the story overall. Hemingway doesnt quite trust us to detect the rain/snow pattern of symbolism and understand its meaning; therefore he underlines the significance of precipitation in his book by having Catherine tell Henry that she sees them dead in the rain. And so the weather symbolism in A Farewell to Arms is perhaps unnecessarily obvious. Yet Hemingways use of this literary device is hardly rote symbolism for its own sake. Rain and snow both drive his plot and maintain our interest, as we hold our breaths every time it rains in the novel, praying that Catherine will not perish during that scene. (We know that Henry will survive the rain, because he is the storys narrator.) Thus, while writing a brutally realistic saga of life during wartime, Ernest Hemingway also crafted a novel as literary as the great-war stories that preceded A Farewell to Arms. Arguably it is as powerful as any story ever told.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Biopsychosocial Model of Health Case Study

Biopsychosocial Model of Health Case Study Case Based Essay The biopsychosocial model of health (Engel, 1977) claims that health and illness are: the product of a combination of factors including biological characteristics (e.g. genetic predisposition), behavioural factors (e.g. lifestyle, stress, health beliefs), and social conditions (e.g. cultural influences, family relationships, social support). (Marks et al,2005). The biopsychosocial model takes into account that each patient is completely different and as a result they are affected differently by each biological, psychological and social happening. (Atkinson et al, 2005). The biomedical model of health however sees the patient as a biological entity which has developed a fault; this model leads people to believe that all patients with the same injury/pathology will respond the same to treatment and in the same amount of time. (Atkinson et al, 2005). The main difference between these two models is the role of the patient and practitioner in each. The biomedical model sees the patient as person who has to take orders from the practitioner. The biopsychosocial model sees the treatment as a negotiation between the practitioner and patient. (Annandale, 1998) The type of model a practitioner uses will greatly impact on the eventual outcome of the patient. In the case of Mrs. Chatsworth the biopsychosocial model of health would be the best approach to take when coming up with an effective treatment plan for her as there are many biological, psychological and social factors that a practitioner will have to contend with. This essay will explore these different biological, psychological and social factors that will face Mrs. Chatsworth throughout her treatment as well as the implications for her practitioner. There are a number of biological factors affecting Mrs. Chatsworth, some resulting from the total joint replacement in her right hip six weeks ago and others stemming from osteoarthritic changes which have been occurring for a number of years. According to (Moskowitz et al, 2007) osteoarthritis diseases are a result of both mechanical and biological events that destabilize the normal coupling of degregation and synthesis of articular cartilage chondrocytes and extracellular matrix, and subchondral bone. Mrs. Chatsworth experiences osteoarthritis in her knees, hips and shoulders. It was these changes in her hip joint that led to her having a total hip athroplasty. Daily activities such as shopping would be difficult for Mrs. Chatsworth as the osteoarthritis in her shoulders will make it difficult for her to carry shopping bags. Another biological factor to be concerned with, when dealing with Mrs. Chatsworth is the residual knee and thigh swelling as a result of the hip replacement. à ¢â‚¬Å"Wounds that failto heal in the expected time range are generally referred to as chronic.†(Shamely, 2005). Swelling present at this stage post-operatively would indicate chronic inflammation in the knee and thigh region. â€Å"Chronic inflammation must be replaced by acute inflammation for healing to occur† (Shamely, 2005 pg 4). This swelling has decreased the range of motion in her knee as it will be painful to move it. Mrs. Chatsworth is only partially weight bearing, with her knee slightly flexed and as a result requires elbow crutches to get around. This will affect Mrs. Chatsworth ability to climb stairs, which she has to do daily as her apartment is on the first floor of a building which has no lift. Her right hip is still very stiff after the operation; this again will affect her ability to get around. Also the therapist will have to be aware of the post operative guidelines when forming a plan, adduction and internal rotation of the hip are limited by these . Another issue facing Mrs. Chatsworth is weakened muscles in the thigh region; her right and left quadriceps have very little definition or bulk, also in her right leg there is a significant reduction in her gluteal muscle group, which are very important muscles involved with the movement of the hip and knee joint, her practitioner will have to prescribe strengthening exercises for these. According to (Schult et al, 2005 pg420) â€Å"the hip and gluteal muscles have evolved into massive and powerful movers and stabilizers of the femur counteracting the loads imposed by support of the whole body weight on two limbs and maintain balance and stability during bipedal locomotion.† This means that Mrs. Chatsworths balance is decreased as a result of this muscle atrophy and her practitioner will have to plan for this. Mrs. Chatsworth is also taking Atenalol for high blood pressure; this will affect her as over exertion may cause further injury. The practitioner will have to ensure that he/she makes a treatment plan that is effective but at the same time not too physically demanding on Mrs. Chatsworth. When dealing with Mrs. Chatsworth case the practitioner will have to look closely at the psychological and social factors which will have a bearing on her treatment e.g. treatment time and the eventual outcome of this treatment. Mrs. Chatsworth may be depressed or stressed over the death of her husband six months ago; this may have an adverse effect on her rehabilitation. The practitioner will have to realise that because Mrs. Chatsworth is lonely her motivation to follow a recovery plan may be somewhat limited. On the other hand Mrs. Chatsworth is worried about being a burden on her daughter who will have less time on her hands soon as her children will be on holidays from school, so this may give her added drive to recover quicker; this may lead to Mrs. Chatsworth causing further injury to herself by over working to recover. This issue will may lead to Mrs. Chatsworth trying to perform daily tasks which she was not able to do post-operatively. Another obstacle for the practitioner to overcome is Mrs. Chatsworths fear of weight bearing on her right leg. Her therapist will have to encourage and reassure her, walking behind a while there taking their first fully weight bearing steps can be a great form of reassurance to a patient. (Stein-Parbury, pg209) highlights this- â€Å"the presence of another human being is reassuring in itself, especially during times of disquiet.† Mrs. Chatsworth also has two cats which she may be overly attached to; a problem may arise as looking after them may put extra pressure on her during her recovery. As well as these psychological factors there are also a number of social factors that the therapist will have to incorporate into his/her plan for Mrs. Chatsworth. The fact that Mrs. Chatsworth is recently retired will give her more time to focus on her recovery plan; also there will be no pressure on her to be fit to go back to work. As her daughter lives close by, only five miles away, this will alleviate some of the pressu res on Mrs. Chatsworth such as shopping, cleaning and other common daily activities. Also her living conditions as mentioned earlier, living on the first floor and having to use stairs to go to and from her apartment will affect her recovery as it may be an incentive to follow her recovery plan. To conclude, this essay identified the different biological factors that affected Mrs. Chatsworth such as loss of range of movement, swelling and osteoarthritis. Also this essay highlighted the different psychological factors affecting her such as stress, the fear of being a burden to her family and the fear of weight bearing on her right leg. This essay also highlighted the different social issues that will affect her recovery. All these factors were related to the therapist will manage Mrs. Chatsworths case and what the eventual outcome will be.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Abortion Essay -- essays research papers

Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life. Abortions must be conducted before the end of six months or the fetus will leave the womb and it would be considered premature birth. If the fetus weighs less than 18 ounces or is less than 20 weeks into pregnancy, it is usually considered an abortion. There are two types of abortions. One is spontaneous and the other is induced. Spontaneous abortions are known y another name, miscarriages. The second form of abortion is an induced abortion. This is the deliberate termination of the fetus.Many have pondered upon the meaning of abortion. The argument because every child born should be wanted, and others who believe that every child conceived should be born. This has been a controversial topic for years. Many people want to be able to decide the destiny of others. Everyone in the United States is covered under the United States Constitution, and under the 14th Amendment, women have been given the choice of abortion. Roe vs. Wade legalized abortion. Although these people have been given the right, the case is not closed. Pro-life activists carry a strong argument, and continue to push their beliefs. They feel intensely strong about these beliefs that violence has broken out in some known instances. Pro-choice activists; on the other hand, also carry very strong points. They believe that the child inside the mother is her property and its life does not begin until birth. Although many believe that abortion is a woman's choice, abortion should be banned because it is immoral and life begins at conception.Abortion is the choice of a woman in whether or not she wants to receive one. The right to choose to have an abortion is personal and essential to a woman's life. The state can not interfere in the private lives of a citizen. With the right to choose abortion, women are able to enjoy, like men, the rights to fully use the powers of their minds and bodies. A man can withdraw from a relationship as soon as he finds out about pregnancy. There is no question of his involvement after that; he has made his choice. It is only fair to say that women should be given the same choice. If one does not want to hold the responsibilities of a child then she should be able to have the choice of abortion in her options. Because contraceptives fail, and because they are ... ...e if they were not conceived.In summary, a woman's right to choose can justify abortion, but it should be banned because it is immoral and life begins at conception. Women have been given the right to have an abortion under the United States Constitution, but the people that fight for the unborn child's rights are still protesting this right. Pro-life activists claim that it is immoral because it is simply defined as murder. Life begins a conception is another strong point brought up by pro-life activists. Before a child is born it is given all its necessities to survive. Notice the operative word is before. Before birth, the child's heart beats, the gastric juices flow in the stomach, and all its necessary organs have been made present. This child thinks, dreams, and feels pain. Yes, some women may look at having an abortion to solve her problems, but in all, women are abandoning the abortion because it weakens their great strengths: creation, compassion, and the ability to look beneath the surface of the appearance of things. Maybe soon the abortion issue will reverse, and people will see the rights of the unborn as greater importance than that of a personal right or choice.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Animals In Our Society Essay -- Marketing Animals

â€Å"Much as we might want to understand animals at a level deeper than pop culture, we can only understand them in terms of our own experiences, language and emotions, and interpreted within our social, historical and cultural contexts. The only way we have of understanding animals is to recognize that ‘when we gaze at animals we hold up a mirror to ourselves’ (Corbett, 176). Animal messages are brought to us by the pop culture industry, whose job it is to create, disseminate, and sell meaning. In most cases, they aren’t selling you a moose, but what a moose means to you for example – the characteristics and qualities that you and most people associate with the species. Based on common meanings presented to us from an early age, animals are the perfect shorthand communication symbol. We use animals as devices, metaphors and symbols for a great deal of our expressions and ideas† (Corbett, 179). For years, animals have been at the center of our world; â€Å"the lives of animals and humans have been inextricably intertwined† (Corbett, 178). Thus, based on the close relationship between animals and humans throughout history, in my opinion animals have been used in all cultures to reflect the nature of humanity, symbolizing societal and individual characteristics. The traits of animals are very simple to observe and recognize, whereas human behavior is more intricate and difficult to describe. Animals are familiar creatures to us, which mutely encourage projection of people’s emotions and attitudes onto them. Animals can be used and as we have learned most recently, they are used to convey deep dimensions of human feelings and ideas. When I think of animals, their representation and their symbolism in our society, I immediately think of ani... this piece, would be to dive into researching the answer to this: the fact that there I think there is something very clever to be said about a corporation that uses an animal to talk to its prospects, but are we really sure what that is? Are we sure what to say about a society that listens, and responds to spokescreatures? Perhaps we find them more credible than spokespersons. Do we? Works Cited Corbett, Julia B. Communicating Nature: How We Create and Understand Environmental Messages. Washington, DC: Island, 2006. Print. 2. "Seven Top Animal Symbols Used By Company Name Generators." EzineArticles Submission - Submit Your Best Quality Original Articles For Massive Exposure, Ezine Publishers Get 25 Free Article Reprints. Web. 05 Dec. 2010. .

Friday, October 11, 2019

Critical Review †“The Fault in our Stars” by John Green Essay

The Fault in our Stars is a young adult novel written by John Green. It is based on the remission of a 16-year-old Thyroid cancer patient, Hazel Grace who relentlessly struggles to breathe. She attends a Cancer Kid Support Group where she meets Augustus Waters, a 17-year-old guy diagnosed with osteosarcoma. They form a close relationship and constantly share their love for a book called â€Å"An Imperial Affliction† written by Peter Van Houten who resigned from writing it halfway. Upon the desperation in finding out the ending, the two protagonists set off to Netherlands to meet the author. Their journey together reveals the themes of love, grief, loss, and both physical and mental pain. Throughout the book, there are reoccurring metaphors of water and stars; water representing death and stars signifying hope, hence the name ‘The Fault in our Stars’. Each of these themes along with the repeated motifs the author creates, reaches out to the reader and causes them t o be drawn into the lives of the characters and their relation to each other. The two protagonists dread each day with the constant worry that they’d pass away any minute. Augustus and Hazel’s love for each other triumphs over struggle and hardship but â€Å"†¦ yet still [they] worried†¦ Worry is yet another side effect of dying.† The times when they are not contemplating what it means to be gone, they’re drawn into ‘An Imperial Affliction’ (AIA). John Green purposely made the characters metaphorically relatable to those in AIA so there is a meaning to the existence of the book. The two sweethearts chase their dreams all the way to Netherlands in order to meet up with Peter Van Houten, a â€Å"†¦rude, abrasive, and utterly drunk† father of a departed cancer kid. Hazel and Gus both reminded him of her, and the â€Å"circumstances that made him so cruel† and caused pain in his life. John Green intended on Peter Van Houten’s charisma to be the way he wrote it as he himself also â€Å"in tellectualize[s] emotionally painful experiences so that [he doesn’t] have to confront/process them emotionally.† Both authors are somewhat related with their thoughts and feelings. The Fault in our Stars introduced many deeper topics on various themes  relevant to today’s society. John Green â€Å"wanted to be ambiguous†; therefore he was able to accurately depict the characters in their current age, with their strong personalities, which were present through the whole novel. There are no negative aspects of the text, as every part was crucial in showing different emotions, and character traits. Hazel Grace had a strong personality, a complex train of thoughts, and thyroid cancer, as it’s â€Å"fairly similar to what [Green’s] close friend, Esther had†. The novel was mostly influenced by Esther, who died of thyroid cancer in August 2010, and â€Å"after she died, [Green] had to write [his] way through it, desperately looking for some hope in it.† The setting is also inspired by her; the problematic occurrences that cancer plays in the character’s lives. The many times throughout the novel where every character experiences love, grief, loss and pain causes you to â€Å"laugh†¦ cry, and then come back for more† – Markus Zusak. John Green does this by presenting many heart wrenching events, where physical pain is shown. The pain of Hazel suffering from breathing everyday, but the unconditional love between Hazel and Augustus over power all the sadness. He also explores motifs of stars and water, very deeply. He has metaphorical words for the stars and water. Stars representing wishes and water, representing the proximity of death, which is frequently talked about throughout the book as Hazel â€Å"†¦devotes quite a bit of [her] abundant free time to thinking about death.† Another heart throbbing novel, Looking for Alaska also by John Green is similar in a way where there are two protagonists who frequently engage in conversations, drawing them closer to each other, and allowing them to explore the different themes of love, loss and friendship. In summary, the author has successfully written a gripping novel. John Green presented situations relatable to the current teen culture by speaking in the mind of a teenager. I therefore applaud to his ability to write with every word sticking to the specific character trait each of them are supposed to portray. He has engaged the readers in every page, entitling it to being an award-winning novel.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Aspects of Contract and Business Law Essay

Laws, contracts and customs are rules that shape our everyday lives. These date back for centuries. There are a number of different elements that make up a valid contract that can be used in business today, these consist of the following. Offer Offers are made to sell or buy a product from an individual or company. Unilateral offers are offers that apply to everyone, i.e. an advert in a newspaper. An offer must be precise, specific and certain. In order for there to be a contract then an offer must first be in place. Rocky Tops offer indoor climbing sessions to the public upon which they choose to accept or not, depending on the price. Their offer to host indoor climbing lessons must be clear on what the customer will get in return for their money, this would be things such as how long the sessions last, what will be available to them and whether equipment is included within the price. Consideration Consideration is when an individual or company assesses what they would get out of the offer and what benefit it would be to them. So when Nick saw the poster and went to buy a new set of ropes and crampons he had to consider what would he was getting out of the deal. He has to hand over his cash in order to receive the ropes and crampons and needs to assess whether it is a beneficial outcome to him. Two Parties A contract is between two parties. One contract cannot provide details for anymore participants as it wouldn’t be certain enough. In order for it is certain one contract is kept between two parties. One party will offer a deal and the other party has to consider whether to accept it or not. An example of a contract formed between two parties within the case study is Rocky Tops and Julie. This is when Julie decides to book a block of 6 climbing lessons and signs a document stating that the sessions can be cancelled by either herself or Rocky Tops within 7 days’ notice. Capacity In order to accept an offer you must have the capacity to do so. This requires you to be above the age of 18 and in the right state of mind to carry out the deal with full knowledge of what you are getting into (i.e. you can’t be under the influence of alcohol or drugs). Rocky Tops is formed by a partnership between Bill and Ben. When they anticipated to both make Rocky Tops into a partnership they both had the right capacity to do so, this means they could make the decision individually to go ahead with the partnership contract in which they are both legally bound to. Acceptance Acceptance is when both parties agree to the terms and conditions stated in the contract and are both aware that they are legally bound to the contract. When an individual accepts the offer the contract is signed. Rocky Tops accepted an offer from Weathering Heights as they agreed to purchase  £50,000 worth of equipment to be dispatched and delivered by 1st February 2011. They agreed to the terms and conditions and both parties are legally bound to the contract. Communication Communication between the two parties needs to be consistent as each individual needs to be clear on what they are agreeing to and also needs to be kept in the loop should anything change in the contract. When writing up the contract it should be clearly communicated, especially with price. The buyer must be aware of the final cost because if the price included contained hidden costs then the contact isn’t valid and there are grounds for complaint. Bill and Ben, the owners of Rocky Tops, had to communicate with Julie in order to tell her that her third lesson has been cancelled. They did so 10 days prior to the third lesson via a letter. The letter stated that if she fails to rebook within one week she will forfeit her money for that session. Legality When writing up the contact everything stated has to be legal. You can’t put anything that is against the law as it will make the contract invalid. Rocky Tops did this when creating a sales contract with Julie when she wanted to book a block of 6 climbing lessons. They had to make sure that everything stated in the contract was all legal in order to prevent the contract falling through or being taken to court. Intention When an individual or company decides to accept the contract they must do so with the right intentions. This means that when they sign the contract they are actually willing to carry it out and are serious about it. This is evident in the case study when Rocky Tops agreed to purchasing  £50,000 worth of equipment from Weather Heights. This was a contract that the terms were defined by the supplier. Rocky Tops entered with the right intentions as they actually meant to go through with the contract. Case Study Contracts: â€Å"Bill and Ben are keen rock-climbers and wish to establish a new business† Partnership contract â€Å"They aim to have their grand opening on 1st March 2011 and already have premises confirmed† Estate agent contract â€Å"Rocky Tops have agreed to purchase 50,000 worth of equipment from Weather Heights to be dispatched and delivered by 1st February 2011† Terms of supplier contract â€Å"Rock Tops will also be offering instruction and lessons on their indoor climbing wall to both novice rock climbers and the more experienced† Liability Insurance Contract â€Å"Nick sees the poster and buys a new set of ropes and crampons† Sales Contract â€Å"Julie goes to Rock Tops and books a block of 6 climbing lessons and signs a document stating that the sessions can be cancelled by either herself or Rocky Tops within 7 days notice†

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING - Essay Example The in-class discussion therefore creates a friendly environment for students to be able to ask the question about the areas where they did not understand (OECD, 2010). The best thing about these discussions is that the students are able see the content from each other’s point of view thus making is easy to understand the subject matter even better. In-class presentations This assessment acts as both a formative and summative assessment because the results of the assessment are also taken into consideration during the marking of the final assessment. The students are asked to present a certain item in class at certain milestones in the learning process. The students are able to present and display their skills and the skills they have learnt. These presentations also act as a way to identify if the student has been able to understand the content. Practical assessments These are done in order to assess the student’s practical skills. This is with regards to the tools whi ch the students must learn to use in order to be able to carry out their jobs. Practical assessments help the students to be able to be able to show their practical skills on using the various machines such as broadcast cameras. These assessments are also important in identifying any areas where the student may need more training (Campbell, et al., 2012). It helps the teacher to be able to identify any areas where the class as whole or individual students may need more training. These practical assessments are also important in giving the students a hands-on on experience and also learn from each other. Written assessments Written assessments are also used in the assessments of the students. Students are given a number of topics to write about. As Matthews (2002) says, these assessments are very important in that they give the teacher an opportunity to see how the students are fairing in the class and also to see their understanding of various subject matters. The written assignment s are also very useful formative assessments not only for the assessments parts but also as a way to help the students to learn more and become more acquainted with various issues. This is because the students have to be able to research the various subjects given to them and make sure that they understand the subject matter thoroughly. The content of the students written assessments can be used to determine where the student is lacking and where the student may need more tutoring. Written assignments are also very important because they are individualistic and therefore may help in identifying the specific issues affecting the specific student (Clift & William, 1981). P3: validity and reliability of three main types of assessment methods. Discussions In-class discussions are useful as assessment methods because of a number of important issues. However, as Middlewood & Cardno (2001) says, there are some other negative issues which may affect in-class discussions and which may affect the validity as well as the effectiveness of class discussions as an assessment method. One such negative factor is the fact that some students may be better able to show their skills in discussions than others. Class discussion involves a lot of speaking and verbal arguments. Those students who may not have good verbal skills may seem not to have the right skills, and it is important for such students to be given a better way for assessment. While using class

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Emotional Appeal in McCarthys On Immortality Article

Emotional Appeal in McCarthys On Immortality - Article Example The paper analyses ‘On Immortality’. McCarthy extensively uses figurative language as an emotional appeal to present immortality as an immature and unwise idea. The author uses the metaphorical comparison, terming it as a highway of immortality, to show the carefree life that immortality would be. With the wideness and the smoothness associated with a highway, the author suggests that immortality does not have checks. Indeed, McCarthy further uses figurative language in arguing that this kind of life does not have a weigh station of wisdom. It therefore portrays the lack of wisdom associated with immortality where humans lack the maturity to handle the challenges that come with it. This has been used to further solidify the author’s stand against immortality. This comes out vividly when McCarthy talks of the possibility of a rise of unstoppable mortal species that would eliminate the immortal beings due to natural selection. The author thus persuades the reader of longevity as being more favored by nature than immortality which is not well thought about. Similes in the essay have been used to discredit immortality as a form of lifestyle that would objectify human life. McCarthy (546) compares immortality to a car, where in order to keep it going, then, there would be the need to keep replacing its parts. This intends to make the reader appreciate that immortality would turn humans into objects. It would make their operations resemble that of objects such that in order to keep them going, then worn out parts of their bodies would be replaced with new ones, just as worn out parts of a car get replaced to enable them keep moving. This, therefore, means that immortality would make humans lose their humanness, an aspect which they treasure, and adopt a new objectified life. It is this loss that the author uses to portray the unattractiveness of immortality. The author’s use of irony enables her convince the reader of the advantage that com es with mortality. It is ironical that humans admire long life more than they seek for â€Å"long healthy life† while they â€Å"want to be 100 years old and dewy fresh† (McCarthy 547). Since aging is inevitable, McCarthy indicates that the immortal life would be a source of pain to humans, who only seek to live without considering the quality of life. Human longevity, on the other hand, considers the duration and quality of life, appreciating the need for human health. After execution of the required assignment, which McCarthy (547) notes is to bring forth the future, they then pave way for the fresher generation, thus creating room for the new generation, space being an important component of quality life. This way, the quality of li

Monday, October 7, 2019

Sex, crime, and soceity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sex, crime, and soceity - Essay Example Despite the many centuries that have passed, many of the beliefs and biases that have animated patriarchal laws have still managed to leave their imprint on present-day legislation. A reexamination of the purpose of the law is long overdue (Wells, 1985). That precisely is what makes the crime of rape so different from other crimes in the statute books. There are complex issues of gender and power involved and the body is perceived as a political field (Duncan, 1995). To quote Baron and Strauss (1987): According to feminist theory, rape functions as a mechanism of social control in patriarchal societies (Brownmiller, 1975; Riger and Gordon, 1981). Feminist theorists argue that rape and the fear of rape enable men to assert their power over women and maintain the existing system of gender stratification (Adamec & Adamec, 1981; Barry, 1979; Brownmiller, 1975; Riger and Gordon, 1981; Russell, 1984; Sanaday, 1981). Clark and Lewis (1977) argue that rape is more likely to occur in societies where women are regarded as the sexual and reproductive possessions of men. In such societies, men sustain their power and privilege and enforce their sexual rights through threats or use of force. Baron and Strauss further went and described the four theories that underlie the crime of rape, in their paper that presents a theoretical model which integrates the four macrosociological theories of rape. They describe these four theories as follows: One theory holds that rape is a mechanism of gender inequality. A second theory attributes rape to the proliferation of pornographic materials. A third, called cultural spillover theory, maintains that cultural norms which favor violence for socially legitimate purposes tend to be generalized to other social contexts and increase the likelihood of rape. And a final theory holds that social disorganization reduces social constraints against

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Alcohol Addicted Employees Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Alcohol Addicted Employees - Research Paper Example Employers need to take actions to deter alcohol consumption by employees ethically. Businesses should punish alcohol addict employees and treat them to the best of their capacity. Should the businesses punish alcohol addict employees and treating them? Alcohol is a very big problem of society in many countries across the world. While it is considered as one of the essentials for celebration, excessive consumption of alcohol leads to alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction makes an individual unsuitable for work. Alcohol addicts experience mood swings and lose control of their mind. Overcome with the effects of alcohol, they say things to others that they do not really mean. They become violent in arguments and have a tendency to abuse people around them both verbally and physically. Owing to its negative sociological, psychological, and physical consequences as well as being a potential threat for businesses, alcohol addiction cannot be tolerated in the workplace, so employers should ta ke all possible measures to deter alcohol consumption among the employees. Businesses should punish alcohol addict employees because alcohol is not appropriate for the regulation of anger. Alcohol addicts lose their minds if they happen to indulge in an argument. While they deal with things on a personal level, unnecessary and out of place argument with a client or a customer is detrimental to the interests of the organization. Businesses should punish alcohol addicts because alcoholism makes an individual untrustworthy. Alcohol addicts follow the drive and mood created after consuming alcohol. For many alcohol addicts, dealing with alcohol and its consequences is a life-long process. Many alcohol addicts cannot help themselves and consume it knowing how bad it is for them at a range of levels. Alcohol addicts cannot be trusted. They can storm out of the office to get alcohol any time without caring about work. Alcohol happens to be the most beloved thing and the top-most priority i n the life of alcohol addicts. Work comes secondary which can be risky for the organization as a whole. Alcohol addicts can leave the whole team in the middle of a problem and back out from playing their role as expected by the rest of the team members. Owing to the display of such behavior, alcohol addicts are not trustworthy or reliable. Businesses should punish alcohol addict employees because this habit of these employees can incur the employers' cost. Depending upon which area the business is located in, employers are responsible for the wellbeing of their employees. Employers are required by the government to pay taxes and insurance premiums for their employees in certain areas. Alcohol addict employees have a tendency to incur the employers unnecessary and avoidable cost. Health insurance premiums for such employees are higher. They are likely to take more days off from work thus compromising upon work and productivity and incurring the employer its cost. Similarly, there are a number of other ways in which alcohol addict employees charge their employers with cost and inconvenience. Punishing alcohol addict employees is part of the way how business entrepreneurs and employers should deal with such employees; treating the alcohol addict employees is the other part. Alcoholism is treatable.  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Pets Rights in Hawaii Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pets Rights in Hawaii - Annotated Bibliography Example The purpose of the research is to find out the level of the abuse of pets in Hawaii. This information will help in determining the best way towards protecting the rights of animals in the state. Many cases of the violation of pets' rights in Hawaii have been reported, and this research will come up with recommendations on how best to address issues of violation of pets' rights. There have been different discussions about the rights of pets in the US, but this research will offer solutions on how to reduce the cases of violation of the rights of pets. The research will rely on journal articles, news articles, documentary films and interviews to gather information about the rights of pets in Hawaii and other places. Many people have written scholarly articles that discuss the cruelty that animals have been exposed to and how their rights are being addressed in modern days. News articles and documentaries will offer current information concerning cases of mistreatment of animals and how animal activists have pushed for laws to protect animals. The researcher will interview 3 animals' activists in Hawaii and 2 others in other US states to give their views about animals' rights in the US.  The issue of the rights of animals has caught the attention of many people and authorities around the world. The research will try to find out some of these laws and groups that agitate for the rights of pets and the level of abuse of pets' rights in Hawaii and other states in the US.  

Friday, October 4, 2019

Confucianism, Legalism, Daosim Essay Example for Free

Confucianism, Legalism, Daosim Essay China was built by three ancient philosophies. Each has its own meanings; each had its own ways of seeing the nature of human beings, society and the universe. These three philosophies were Legalism, Confucianism and Daoism. Although they each have many differences their purpose is the same, to make society better, to end conflict. Confucius started Confucianism. He felt that if rulers were honest and children respected their parents everything would fall into place. Human nature was considered neutral and it was what you did that determined whether it was good or bad, each person had a role that they must follow. Freethinking was encouraged. Legalisms approach was much more forceful, books were burnt and freethinking was discouraged. People were not inspired by their leaders but scared of them, human nature was considered bad; therefore rules and harsh punishments took place. Unlike the rest of the philosophy’s Daoism’s approach is much less focused on politics. The idea that humans needed to be in harmony with nature took place; it’s all about the balance of good and bad, yin and yang. Each Philosophy has its own view of what human nature should be. Daoism believes that human nature is good, Legalism believes that human nature is bad and people need to be controlled by laws and punishments in order to prevent them form doing wrong. Confucianism believes that human nature is neutral, and its is what you do in life that determines whether it is good or bad.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Company background and overview of Coca Cola

Company background and overview of Coca Cola Coca-Cola is one of the world famous and largest brands in beverages industry. The company was established Doctor John Pemberton who was a pharmacist in 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia USA. The brand has since become household drink in over 200 countries across the globe. Carbonate drinks are the single largest component in Coca-Cola Company which account for about 78% of the total volume sold in the 2008. The company has over 3000 beverages products and has about 500 brands in its portfolio these includes Coca-Cola/Diet Coke family, Coca-cola enterprise (CCE) wide range of carbonates includes Fanta, Lilt, Sprite and PowerAde, plus the Schweppes brand in the UK according to keynote report. The Coca-Cola brand has been adopted the strategy of global marketing. They are considering the whole world as single market place and uniform marketing strategy was being used Coca-cola for many years, but now the trend is changing and different marketing campaigns are being designed for different regions of the world. . Business decisions are made on a domestic basis to fit in with the culture and needs of the domestic community. In 1919 Coca-Cola decided it was time to go global. The Coca-Cola Company decided to take its operations beyond national boundaries and marketing research was started in central America, china and many other countries of the world. Because of successful and efficient marketing research Coca-cola was able to produce globally in different regions of the world Coca cola in UK The carbonate market in the UK is dominated by relatively few companies. These are, In the main, subsidiaries of global conglomerates such as the coca cola company and Pepsi CO. Indeed, Coca-Cola, BSD and own label alone account for well over two thirds of the carbonates market volume in the UK.The purpose sale of BSD, In which PepsiCo already has a 10% share, is likely to make one of the these groups even stronger in the UK market. Coca -Cola Companys major brand in the UK and in the world is coke or simply Coca-Cola. Other major brands of the Coca-Cola Company in the UK portfolio include Diet Coca-Cola, Cherry CoCa-Cola,Fanta,Lilt,Sprite,Dr Pepper and Schweppes.Dr Pepper,Wich has been on sale in the UK since 1982,is reported to most popular among the younger and teenagers in the UK. The companys operations in the UK are divided between CCE and Coca-Cola Great Britain (CCGB). CCE is the manufacturer and distributor, whereas CCGB owns the brands and is responsible for marketing. The companys beverages are generally for all consumers. However, there are some brands, which target specific consumers. For example, Coca- Colas diet soft drinks are targeted at consumers who are older in age, between the years of 25 and 39. PowerAde sports water target those who are fit, healthy and do sport. Winnie the Pooh sipper cap Juice Drink target children between the ages 5-12. Coca cola in Nepal Coca-Cola was first introduced into Nepal in 1973, when it was imported from India, but local production would only begin in 1979, with the establishment of Bottlers Nepal Limited (BNL). Coca-Cola Sabco acquired bottling rights from The Coca-Cola Company for Nepal in 2004. BNL, which has plants in the capital Kathmandu and Bharatpur, is the only bottler of Coca-Cola products in Nepal. The Marketing, Sales and Distribution strategy for BNL is titled Refresh the Marketplace and includes a robust Consumer Response System to address any consumer concerns, ideas and suggestions. BNL is also committed to strengthening the community through various programmes, particularly in the health sector, as the country has the lowest per capita public health expenditure in the world. In association with the local community, BNL assists by supporting a Free Health Check-up Clinic at Bharatpur. The Nepalese enjoy Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite Advertisement   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If we look on advertising perspective of Coca-cola, advertising has created a demand for Coca-Cola worldwide. However, advertising has to be in line with the domestic culture. An adapted marketing mix means adjusting the mix with the prevailing culture, geographic, economic and other differences in different countries. Different languages and cultures caused problems. COCA COLA ADVERTISMENT Add 1 Bottlers Nepal and Bottlers Nepal (Tarai) on lat week announced the launch of their summer promotion campaign Coca-Cola Football Maha Utsab targeting soccer fans across the country. . According to Bottlers Nepal, consumers need to purchase Coca-Cola, Fanta or Sprite and SMS the 10-digit unique code under the bottles crown to 4477. The scheme is applicable to all 200 ml and 250 ml returnable glass bottles or all sizes of PET bottles from April 1 to May 31, 2010. During the scheme period, consumers will also get a chance to win attractive Coca-Cola t-shirts, caps and free drinks, said Pranaya Sthapit, country marketing manager of Bottlers Nepal. Coca Cola Advertisement in Rural Area of Nepal Coca Cola Advertisement in Rural Area of Nepal, Wikimedia Commons Figure: 1.1 Market Segmentation in Nepal : The supplier driven Nepalese market generally practiced mass marketing approach with product variations in the past. The socio-economic changes and developments in transport and communication system have made Nepalese marketers conscious of market segmentation. The marketing strategies of global organizations like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nepal Lever and Standard Chartered Bank have reinforced this consciousness. The following points describe the practices of market segmentation in Nepal. 1: Non-systematic: Segmentation is generally not based on systematic market research. Past experiences, hunches of management and competitors strategy have influenced segmentation. 2: Variables for Segmentation: The variables mostly used for consumer market segmentation are: Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioural 3: Lack of Information: Nepalese marketers lack comprehensive information about consumer characteristics. They tend to regard marketing research as a wasteful cost. This has constrained the effective evaluation of market segments in terms of their attractiveness and appropriateness. Risks are not properly assessed. 4: Government Policies: Government policies in Nepal are not very supprotive of marketing. They do not regard businessmen as partners for development. Restrictions of movement of goods and controls have discouraged market segmentation. 5: Lack of Ethical Considerations: Environmental and welfare considerations are generally disregarded for market segmentation in Nepal. The above points clearly indicate that the concept of market segmentation is at an initial stage in Nepal. However, the importance of market segmentation is likely to increase in the years to come Positioning Positioning is the process of creating, the image the product holds in the mind of Consumers, relating to competing products. Coca cola and Pepsi both make soft drinks, Pepsi may try to compete but they will still be seen as down market from coke. coke has been positioned based on the process of positioning by direct comparison And have positioned d their products to benefit their target markets. Most people Create an image of a product by comparing it to another product, thus evident Through the famous battles between Coca-cola and Pepsi products. Product life cycle: When referring to each and every product or service ever placed before the consumer i.e. in the long term all the existing products and services are dead. For e.g.:- Replacement of Ford Cortina ( a highly successful car) by Ford Sierra, the replacement of sierra by the Ford Mondeo and the replacement of the old Mondeo by the new Mondeo in 2001. So every product is born, grows, matures and dies. So in the commercial market place products and services are created, launched and withdrawn in a process known as Product Life Cycle. To be able to market its product properly, a business must be aware of the product life cycle of its product. The standard product life cycle tends to have five phases: Development, Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline. Coca-Cola is currently in the maturity stage, which is evidenced primarily by the fact that they have a large, loyal group of stable customers. Furthermore, cost management, product differentiation and marketing have become more important as growth slows and market share becomes the key determinant of profitability. In foreign markets the product life cycle is in more of a growth trend Cokes advantage in this area is mainly due to its establishment strong branding and it is now able to use this area of stable profitability to subsidize the domestic Cola Wars. Insert the picture of the product lifecycle. Future financial objective In uk Coca-Cola Enterprises, the worlds largest bottler of Coca-Cola products which will soon be focused purely on some of the largest but also most mature soft drinks markets in Western Europe, is optimistic about the long-term growth prospects for this territory. The group aims to achieve in currency neutral terms: revenue growth of 4% to 6%; operating income growth of 6% to 8%; earnings per share growth in a high single-digit range; and return on invested capital improvement of 20 basis points or more per year. These metrics reflect the solid growth opportunity that lies ahead in Europe, says John Brock, chairman and chief executive of Coca-Cola Enterprises. They exceed our current long-term objectives. We are committed to these financial objectives, and in turn, to creating real value for our shareowners, our customers, and our employees. Financial Market share of coca cola in uk. Coca-Cola has reported strong second-quarter profits, beating market expectations, thanks to rising international sales. Total profits were $2.37bn ( £1.56bn), up 16% from a year ago and narrowly above forecasts of $2.3bn. The beverage makers share price jumped 2.3% in the first 15 minutes of New York trading. Revenues were up 4.8% to $8.67bn, thanks to rapid sales growth in Latin America, Africa and parts of Asia. Among the best growth markets were Brazil, where sales volumes were up 13%, and India, up 22% since last year. The producer of Fanta, Sprite and Vitamin Water also reported a pick-up in growth albeit at a more sedate 2% pace in its home market of North America. In Europe, however, sales were down 1, 21 July 2010 Last updated at 15:42 Competitors Analysis Coca-Cola Enterprise is the UK subsidiary for the Coca-Cola Company. In 2008 UK carbonate was valued about  £6billin; with which Coca-Cola (GB) hold about 60% value in both retail and on-trade. Britvic soft drink which is UK subsidiaries of PepsiCo and is the main competitor was second place in terms of market shares of 15% retail sales according to mintel. PepsiCos flagship brands in soft drinks are Pepsi, Pepsi Max, Diet Pepsi, Gatorade and Mountain Dew, and the company also owns Tropicana and Dole, the worlds leaders in fruit juice. GlaxoSmithKline PLC, a giant in healthcare products, is the UK third largest carbonate drink and is also on a different scale from most drinks companies. The company specialised in medicines and oral care, as well as three famous drinks brands: Lucozade, Ribena and Horlicks. CCE, had a turnover of  £1.43bn in the year ending 31st December 2006, up 2.4% on the previous year whereas For the year ending 30th September 2007, Britvic PLC recorded total branded revenues of  £716.3m, up by 5.7% on 2006. According to John Sicher of Beverage Digest (2009), Coca-Cola was the number one brand with around 42.7% in 2008. PepsiCo was second, with 30.8%, however these market shares for both Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have slightly decreased from 2007 to 2008. Coca-Colas volume has also decreased 1.0% since 2007, whereas PepsiCos volume has increased 0.3%. Strong growth of Coke range in the UK is probably due to the introduction of coke zero and Diet coke product. Coke Zero is the most significant of KOs new innovations. This beverage is marketed as a calorie-free version of Coca-Cola Classic, omitting the diet label in an attempt to appeal to new demographics. This brand alone accounted for nearly one third of all 2006 growth for beverages bearing the Coca-Cola trademark. RECOMMENDATIONS After completing our project we have concluded some recommendation for the coca cola company, which are following. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Coca Cola Company should try to emphasis more on providing their infrastructure in the market to facilitate their customers. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢According to the survey, conducted by the international firm Pakistani people like little bit sweeter cola drink. So for this coca cola company should produce their product according to the local demand. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Marketing team should try to increase the availability of Coke in rural areas. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢They should also focus the old people. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Now young generation has a trend to drink a coke 2 regular bottles at same time, so providing more satisfaction to them company should introduce  ½ liter disposable bottle. Coac- Cola Market Share The UKs Top 10 Soft Drinks by take-home sales value in 2009. Coca-Cola. Lucozade (GlaxoSmithKline). Robinsons (Britvic). Pepsi (Britvic). Tropicana (PepsiCo)   Red Bull. Ribena (Glaxo SmithKline). Schweppes (Coca-Cola). Actimel (Danone). Volvic (Danone Source: Nestle Worldwide The Top 10 Soft Drinks Companies in 2009 by market share. Coca-Cola ( bottling partners) PepsiCo ( bottling partners). Nestle. Suntory. Dr Pepper Snapple. Red Bull. Danone. Kirin. Asahi Breweries. Ito En. Coca-cola is number one for the 11th year (note;i need to search and type on this id) For 11 straight years, Coca-Cola has retained its spot as No 1 in Interbrands annual ranking of the 100 Best Global Brands followed by IBM, Microsoft, Google and GE. The 2010 report estimates the Coca-Cola brand value at $70.5 billion, up by two per cent since 2009, said the Interbrand that uses a combination of analysts projections, company financial documents and its own qualitative and quantitative analysis to arrive at a net present value. Top 5 Global brands in 2010 Rank Company Brand Value 1 Coca-Cola $70.452m 2 IBM $64,727m 3 Microsoft $60,895m 4 Google $43,557m 5 GE $42,808m The Himalaya Times ,Added At:   2011-02-14 12:18 AM The market share of Coca Cola and its rival Pepsi might be 50-50 in many parts of the world but when it comes to Nepal, the market share structure would be 3:1. The factor which needs to be credited for this data of Coca Colas market share cannot be determined that easily. As far as I know, the factors could be, the management and the quality it has maintained. The company with the largest paper work in Nepal had Bottlers Nepal, the sole distributor for Coke in the second spot. This also proves that the management is good and the quality maintenance needs no description at all. There were ups and downs in Coke. A couple of years or so, the workers went on for a strike all over Nepal in Bottlers Company resulting the distribution and production into halt. To worsen this case, this halt was in existence in the peak season which was finally solved. The year 2008 could be different and nothing is predictable. The number one spot could be snatched by Microsoft in this present age of information technology. If only Coca Cola could come up with some beverage for chilling cold with the same brand, who knows they might still be at the number one spot for the next ten years or so. Friday, January 11, 2008 | The carbonate market in the UK is dominated by relatively few companies. These are, In the main, subsidiaries of global conglomerates such as the coca cola company and Pepsi CO.Indeed, Coca-Cola, BSD and own label alone account for well over two thirds of the carbonates market volume in the UK.The purpose sale of BSD, In which PepsiCo already has a 10% share, is likely to make one of the these groups even stronger in the UK market. Financial objectives On September 7, 2010, CCE announced updated long-term financial objectives, including the following: Revenue growth of 4 percent to 6 percent; Operating income growth of 6 percent to 8 percent; Earnings per share growth in a high single-digit range; and Return on invested capital improvement of 20 basis points or more per year. Coca cola market share by area Area NORTH AMERICA LATIN AMERICA EUROPE MIDDLE EAST ASIA AFRICA Volume 30% 25% 22% 17% 6% RANKING 1 2 3 4 5 Figure: 2 Sources: Business plan on coca-cola 8/8/2010 MARKETING STRATEGY Our local marketing strategy enables Coke to listen to all the voices around the world asking for beverages that span the entire spectrum of tastes and occasions. What people want in a beverage is a reflection of who they are, where they live, how they work and play, and how they relax and recharge. Whether youre a student in the United States enjoying a refreshing Coca- Cola, a woman in Italy taking a tea break, a child in Peru asking for a juice drink, or a couple in Korea buying bottled water after a run together, were there for you. We are determined not only to make great drinks, but also to contribute to communities around the world through our commitments to education, health, wellness, and diversity. Coke strives to be a good neighbor, consistently shaping our business decisions to improve the quality of life in the communities in which we do business. Its a special thing to have billions of friends around the world, and we never forget it. Processes of Communication in a coca-cola The process of communication would be as follows: Message conceived decision made to send message and reasons why. Message encoded information for notice and what sort of layout is going to be used etc. Communications medium selected communication method selected, in this case notice. Message decoded language and knowledge used to send out the right message. Message interpreted meaning of notice, recipients view. Feedback supplied feedback supplied to sender e.g. opinions, response etc. Sample of communication process of coca-cola N N Massage . Feedback Figure: Schramm (1955) Note:Communication process copy from book Coca-Cola market share and sub product in Nepal Bottlers Nepal said it is planning to invest $10m in the next three years to expand its bottling operations and launch a brand of mineral water for the market. The bottler of Coca-Cola in Nepal will use the funds to modernise its bottling plants in Kathmandu and Bharatpur. The company, which posted a 20% growth in 2009, said it will start manufacturing the Kinley brand of mineral water following standards prescribed by the World Health Organization (WHO). Coca-Cola Sabco, one of Coca-Cola Companys bottling partners, has invested about $45m in the last five years, and annually produces one million bottles of carbonated soft drinks. Coca-Cola has a 67.8% market share in Nepals carbonated soft drinks business, according to global marketing research firm ACNielsen.