Monday, December 30, 2019

Privacy Privacy And Privacy - 1504 Words

Privacy advocates warn that many Websites try to collect personal information from online users, but few guarantees how that data will be used. They say the federal government should establish standards to protect privacy online. But Internet businesses and others contend that they can safeguard users privacy without resorting to government interference. Law-enforcement agencies, meanwhile, favor government limitations on the use of sophisticated encryption technology, which makes online communications secure - even from the police. They fear that strong encryption software will aid criminals in hiding their activities. But privacy advocates argue that encryption technology assures companies and consumers that their online communications are not being tampered with. . In one of the interview by By Biance Bosker, Mark Zuckerberg said â€Å"Facebook isn t violating your privacy -- Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are.† The Internet has become not only a primary means of communicatio n, but a place where millions of Americans store important personal data, from credit-card numbers and bank account information to family photos and histories of their online purchases. But that data does not have the same legal protection as data that Americans store in their homes. What s more, powerful new technologies are creating unexpected challenges to privacy online. Advertisers, for example, can now track the Web sites you visit, and actions you take on those sites, to analyze how to moreShow MoreRelatedPrivacy And The Privacy Of Privacy1803 Words   |  8 PagesFirstly, it would be a good idea to explain exactly what privacy is and then discuss the importance of privacy and some of the legal consequences that could arise when violating a patient’s privacy. I’ve always believed that privacy is one of the most important things when it comes to the patient s care. One of the main forms of privacy that I would like to discuss is, Informational privacy which is d efined as the privacy of personal information and usually relates to personal data stored on computerRead MorePrivacy And The Privacy Of Privacy1735 Words   |  7 PagesIn today’s society, the word â€Å"privacy† has become ubiquitous. When discussing whether government surveillance and data collection pose a threat to privacy, the most common retort against privacy advocates – by those in favor of databases, video surveillance, spyware, data mining and other modern surveillance measures – is this line: If I’m not doing anything wrong, what would I have to hide? The allowance of the government’s gathering and analysis of our personal information stems from an inadequateRead MorePrivacy And The Privacy Of Privacy1626 Words   |  7 PagesPrivacy is the ability to maintain what or who can access and see your personal content and information. With that, the idea of privacy is different amongst different cultures and countries, while they all differ, they share common characteristics. The act of sharing ones own personal information is decision one must make on their own. Privacy is a right that all people should have and the government has the responsibility of maintaining that right. Data such as personal emails, bank details, medicalRead MorePrivacy Issues : Privacy And Privacy Essay2250 Words   |  9 PagesPrivacy Privacy has been a thing for consideration ever since the early days and has even become more worrisome recently with the evolvement of information technology. Individuals around the world value their privacy and the protection of their personal information. Having a knowledge of who is accessing their information and what it is being used for. But with the recent and rapid evolvement of IT, information privacy is being threatened and individuals no longer possess the control over who hasRead MorePrivacy1776 Words   |  8 PagesRunning Head: THE EXISTENCE OF PRIVACY WITH TECHNOLOGY THE EXISTENCE OF PRIVACY WITH TECHNOLOGY Obediah Howard Bellevue University â€Æ' THE EXISTENCE OF PRIVACY WITH TECHNOLOGY Abstract This research paper will discuss the relationship between privacy and technology. It will attempt to ascertain if technology and privacy can share the same plane of existence. Benefits and deficiencies of a particular technology are not hereditary to that technology, but are depend on theirRead MorePrivacy Is An American Invasion Of Privacy3114 Words   |  13 PagesPrivacy is an especially equivocal idea, in particularly because invasion of privacy is a concept that is arguably questionable. Privacy has been defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. While this definition serves as a quick start to the right of privacy, there are still several interpretations as to what may or may not constitute as an invasion of privacy. What one person may believe to be an innocent curiosityRead MoreA Brief Note On Privacy And The Privacy2459 Words   |  10 PagesDec. 2014 A Right to Privacy Technology has proposed a variety of different options to support the privacy rights of people. At the same time, technology has also done the opposite, making it almost impossible for anyone to have secured privacy. Nowadays, there are multiple hacking programs or devices that can help protect private information; however, they can also be used to invade privacy. Modern-day society has records of incidents and events involving the invasion of privacy, including those notRead MorePrivacy Is An American Invasion Of Privacy3113 Words   |  13 PagesIntroduction Privacy is an especially equivocal idea, in particularly because invasion of privacy is a concept that is arguably questionable. Privacy has been defined as the right to be left alone without unwarranted intrusion by government, media, or other institutions or individuals. While this definition serves as a quick start to the right of privacy, there are still several interpretations as to what may or may not constitute as an invasion of privacy. What one person may believe to be anRead MorePrivacy Rights And The Privacy3319 Words   |  14 Pagescountries and organizations are approaching privacy issues along with my predictions how it will unfold the future There is a concern about many users privacy worldwide. Technology is constantly upgrading and internet is being used daily worldwide. Laws are constantly changing and there are many concerns about this. In this essay, I will be talking about why Companies are collecting data, laws regarding privacy policies and I will give prediction on how privacy issues will unfold in the future. WhatRead MoreThe Invasion Of Privacy And Privacy1399 Words   |  6 PagesCelebrities; They Have A Right To Their Privacy Too   Ã‚  Ã‚   Invasion of privacy occurs way too often in society. How would you feel if you had your personal photos hacked, and then reposted onto the internet, what if they were your nude photos? What about your medical records, would you like to have your records stolen and then announced for the whole world to know? Many groups have their privacies hacked, stolen, abused, or even shared through other means of social media.   Look at one particular group

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Dramatic Changes in New Media - 1891 Words

It has been said that new media is making dramatic changes in every aspect of people’s lives, and is revolutionary in how we learn and communicate with each other. In fact, the development and availability of new media is arguably the most revolutionary change in our societies progress to develop and expand knowledge in all areas of expertise. New media refers to â€Å"on demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, and creative participation. Another aspect of new media is the real time generation of new and unregulated content† (New Media, Wikipedia). Although the most familiar example of new media is the Internet and websites, it also includes computer multimedia, video games, DVDs, and all sorts of streaming data sources. These allow user interaction in a completely different manner than the â€Å"old media†, such as television, movies, and printed material (newspapers, books). All of this has become increasingly possible over the past few years as advances in science and technology have enabled increasingly rapid movement of data to multiple different device platforms. In today’s society, nearly every person has almost constant access to a data device. This leads to data’s impact to be magnified many times than with previous old te chnology. One’s ideas as expressed by digital data can expand exponentially through these existing data networks. This allows the author of the ideas to expand the reach of his data to includeShow MoreRelatedThe Role Of New Media In The Tunisian And Egyptian Protests710 Words   |  3 Pagesof change is that they were linked by some observers to social media that were attributed not only an important role in those dramatic events, but a key one. Although the online media, such as â€Å"Facebook† and â€Å"Twitter†, were essential platforms in those protests, many scholars, such as Fuchs (2012), strongly criticise what they consider to be an overemphasis on the impact of these new media on the uprisings. In this essay, I will examine the argument that online media (basically social media) areRead MoreThe Evolution Of Miley Cyrus Essay1652 Words   |  7 Pagesimage by creating a new star text that was the polar opposite of her previous. A star text is everything that we associate with a start, including their promotion and body of work. Her hit sitcom Hannah Montana built her previous brand identity that connected with her audience of adolescent children. Miley’s original image was known for being a sweet and innocent teenage girl. Now her current start text identifies with heartbreak, drugs, activism and nonconformity. The extreme change of start text shockedRead MoreMiley Cyrus s Original Image Essay1654 Words   |  7 Pagescreating a new star text that was the polar opposite of her previous. A star text is considered to be everything that we associate with a start, including their promotion and body of work. Her hit sitcom Hannah Montana built her previous brand ident ity that connected with her audience of adolescent children. Miley’s original image was known for being a sweet and innocent teenage girl. Now her current start text identifies with heartbreak, drugs, activism and nonconformity. The extreme change of startRead MoreThe Emergence Of The Internet And Social Media1079 Words   |  5 PagesThe emergence of the Internet and social media has had a tremendous impact on the theory and practice of advertising, public relations and marketing disciplines. Advertising spending on the Internet has outpaced all other traditional media (Center for Media Research, 2004). In the last two years, the number of social networking tools and the number of people using those tools have exploded, thus the rules are constantly changing and there is considerable uncertainty on how to employ these tools fromRead MoreContribution of Digital Projections for Approaching Mise En Scene in Contemporary Theatre Performance1401 Words   |  6 PagesBy utilizing the best dramatic devices that each  art form  has to covey a story and entertain an audience; the possibilities to create interesting  narratives  and stage dynamics through the  synergy  of stage and cinematic design is exciting. Cinematic theatre is a contemporary style of  drama  that revolves around using pre-edited and live vision sequences to be projected onto screens and surfaces. These sequences are then integrated with the live performance to create dramatic meaning that interactsRead MoreMedia s Influence On The Media977 Words   |  4 Pagescritics in news outlets because people wonder why the shooting of 17 year old teenager airs by the means of showing a picture of the victim at age twelve. Bias occurs from these types of actions. This type of action carries into political markets by looking at the way major media outlets can be measured by their types of broadcasts. Some may be more liberal and others conservative. More specifically, the leading liberal outlets are Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and CBS evening news; the leadingRead MoreFree Speech, Media Regulation And Media And Society1320 Words   |  6 Pages After all my readings and research, I have come to the conclusion that free speech, media regulation and media and society are very controversial topics. There are many aspects of each that can be agreed or disagreed on. Breaking down each, I am going to analyze what I think about the author’s line of arguments and recommendations, as well as give my own. First, topic is free speech and I am going to start off with the essay written by John Barlow in the book Copy Fights. His opinion on free speechRead MoreThe Censorship Of The Media1665 Words   |  7 Pages Privacy in the Media In addition, the media is in an especially complex situation regarding the current concept of privacy regarding the proper use of technology and due to the numerous ethical issues, that arise from sensationalist media practices. First, the invasion of privacy can be justified by uncovering vital information that serves public interest to be considered ethical journalistic practice (Plaisance, 2014, p. 187). However, while there is less ethical merit in providing the publicRead MoreEssay about Book Report on Martin Esslins an Anatomy of Drama1039 Words   |  5 Pagescommunication? Esslin then immediately poses another question that he seems to take as a prerequisite for the first question: What is the underlying, basic nature of dramatic form and what is it that drama can express better than any other form of communication? Esslins book consists of eleven chapters each of which touches on a dramatic phenomenon or critical issue. His book is opens with a preface and is appended a general index of plays and secondary resources. There are three explanatory diagramsRead MoreEssay on The Printing Press791 Words   |  4 Pagesthe way people thought about writing. Since the introduction of the printing press four centuries earlier, there had been a very limited amount of new inventions pertaining to writing or the world of the mechanized press. Advancements certainly had been made to modernize the printing process, but the typewriter was the next invention that would change the face of writing. The typewriter made writing more common and accessible and loosened up proper business etiquette. Professionals shifted from

Friday, December 13, 2019

Nurse Manager Paper Free Essays

Nurse Manager Paper NUR 4301 Nursing Seminar The nurse manager I selected to interview is a Baccalaureate degree nurse and has attended several in-house training sessions related to her position within the hospital. She attended Lenoir Rhyne University to obtain her BSN and has been employed with the institution for 13 years and has been in nursing for nearly 20 years. She is currently certified as a Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN) and is also a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. We will write a custom essay sample on Nurse Manager Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Hospital that she is employed with is a private hospital she manages a 15 bed emergency department and 6 bed express care facility, which also holds several involuntary commitments for several hours at a time waiting on placement. This nurse manager oversees 62 persons within the emergency department of this private medical center. She works full-time, generally from 9:00am until 5:30pm, Monday-Friday. The nurse manager must work closely with the emergency department Administrative Director to reinforce and disseminate information important to the nursing staff, she must enforce policies and carry out plans, and she must handle disciplinary problems that may arise in the absence of the Administrative Director. She is responsible for insuring that the ER flows smoothly with the assistance of the charge nurse. She ensures that supplies and equipment are available, she is involved in the interview process for new hires and must perform evaluations on current employees after probation and then annually. The nurse manager I interviewed considers herself to be a democratic leader and delegates a huge portion of the day-to-day operations to the charge nurse, however she is not above performing actual clinical duties, especially in times of disaster or overcrowding. She considers her unit to flow smoothly and feels that teamwork is a key component to that success. This nurse manager considers herself to be a very effective leader, who encourages communication. She wants her employees to voice their concerns and ideas without fear of retaliation and the hospital is very supportive of that mindset. She has an open door policy and considers her employees to be like family. She expects her employees to maintain a positive attitude and if they do not have one she helps them to achieve a positive attitude. The major challenges that she expressed to me were understaffing and constant bickering between certain female co-workers. With regard to understaffing, corporate has not offered any viable solutions, due to non-peak times in the ER. This means at times it is either feast or famine. The staff knows this and tends to simply suck it up and pull together when it gets busy. When co-workers come to her with a complaint she takes time to discuss the matter in depth and non-judgmentally with the employee, surprisingly in most cases she stated that after the discussion it turned out that the problem originated with the one filing the complaint. She further works with the person on strategies to be a more effective interpersonal communicator and soon the problems lessen or resolve entirely. The nurse manager stated that her vision for her unit was to have her entire staff be clinically sound and function confidently under adverse client load. She expects upmost teamwork from her staff and expects the unit to operate efficiently with upmost regard for staff and client safety. She went on to add that she was initially unsure about being a nurse manager, she was encouraged to apply by her the Administrative Director and once promoted, she was given little direction in how to perform her job. She met with the charge nurses and basically took their group input on how the unit would operate effectively and fine-tuned it, the result has been very effective and had excellent feedback from her employees as well as upper management. She did add that managing people is far more tiring and difficult than managing patient care. She also expressed to me that she did miss working on the floor and dealing directly with the clients regularly. I felt that based on her feedback the nurse manager that I interviewed was a very effective unit manager; she applied fundamental concepts to the management of her staff which primarily focused on effective communication and teamwork. These concepts also support her own theory that she is a democratic leader. References Huber, Diane. (2010). Leadership and nursing care management. Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevier. How to cite Nurse Manager Paper, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Monopolistic competition free essay sample

An example of a firm operating in monopolistic competition is The Wendys Company. The market for this company is fast food (specifically, burgers). This company operates in monopolistic competition because there are lots of companies in this market (McDonalds, Jack in the Box, Burger King, etc. ). Each company advertises virtually the same product, but certain companies produce a product that is slightly better than the products produced by other companies, so these companies have a slight advantage. Due to this slight advantage, these companies are able to sell their products at a slightly higher price, and advertise their products as higher quality (Wendys commercials highlight that their burgers are more fresh than their competitors counterparts). The presence of a large number of companies indicates that there are few barriers for a new company to enter this market. An example of a firm operating in an oligopoly is Pepsi Co. We will write a custom essay sample on Monopolistic competition or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This company operates in an oligopoly because there are a few companies in the soft drinks market, which indicates that there are lots of barriers for a new company to enter the market. When we think of the soft drink industry, two of the names that immediately come to mind are the Coca-Cola Co. and Pepsi Co. These companies are successful and have a world-wide consumer base (due to their presence in the world-wide soft drink market), which makes it hard for newer companies to enter the industry and succeed. An example of a company that operates in a monopoly is ESPN, the sports news company. When looking for sports news, the channel everyone turns to is ESPN. They are the only company that has a world-wide reputation for being the premier channel for news on the sports world. There are no other companies that can come close to matching ESPNs reach or success, since this company is the only company that is solely devoted to delivering news on sports, twenty-four hours a day. Other news channels have time segments allotted for reporting relevant sports headlines, but ESPN has airtight control in this area since sports is their only focus, and they report on all different kinds of sport (basketball, football, baseball, tennis, etc. ). Thus, there is a sort of absolute barrier to new companies that wish to enter the market of sports news.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

20 Ways to Laugh

20 Ways to Laugh 20 Ways to Laugh 20 Ways to Laugh By Mark Nichol Go ahead and try this (if you’re alone, that is): Explore all the varieties of laughter you can produce, and label each one. There’s an often-distinct word or phrase for each type. Here are twenty ways to laugh, and some related expressions. 1. (Be) in stitches: to laugh 2. Belly-laugh: to laugh in a deep, hearty manner, as if from the abdomen or in such a way that one’s abdomen moves from the exertion 3. Break up: to laugh as if helplessly 4. Cachinnate: to laugh loudly and/or obnoxiously 5. Cackle: to laugh harshly or sharply 6. Chortle: to chuckle or to otherwise laugh to express satisfaction or triumph 7. Chuckle: to laugh mildly and/or quietly 8. Crack up: see â€Å"break up† 9. Crow: to laugh derisively or gloatingly 10. Giggle: to laugh with short, repetitive sounds 11. Guffaw: to laugh boisterously and/or loudly 12. Hee-haw: a synonym for guffaw 13. Horselaugh: To laugh in a way suggestive of or in imitation of a horse’s neighing or whinnying 14. Jeer: to laugh disrespectfully or mockingly 15. Scoff: to laugh derisively or dismissively 16. Snicker: to partially suppress a laugh, as if to conceal one’s mirth 17. Snigger: an alteration of snicker, with the additional connotation of mischief 18. Split (one’s) sides: to laugh convulsively, as if continuing to do so will cause one’s body to rupture 19. Titter: to laugh in an affected manner, or nervously; also a synonym of snicker and snigger 20. Twitter: a synonym of giggle or titter, but also means to chatter or to tremble as if agitated One can howl, roar, scream, shriek, snort, or whoop with laughter. One can also be said to burst (or bust) out laughing, to convulse with laughter, to die laughing, and to be helpless with laughter, as well as to roll in the aisles (as if unable to keep from falling into the aisle while seated at a humorous performance). Other idioms include â€Å"laugh your head off† and â€Å"laugh yourself silly.† Can you think of any more words or idioms? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†Ã¢â‚¬Å"As Well As† Does Not Mean â€Å"And†5 Keys to Better Sentence Flow

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Huck Finn theme essay Essay Example

Huck Finn theme essay Essay Example Huck Finn theme essay Paper Huck Finn theme essay Paper Essay Topic: The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Twain uses Husks journey to overcome societal pressure and his efforts to formulate his own idea of morality, to exemplify the importance of autonomy rather than conformity. The dangers of succumbing to the standards of society prevents us from doing what we know is right and instead makes us sheep rather than individuals. In the sass, there was a common attitude of hatred toward blacks, clearly illustrated In Paps drunken rant addressing slaves rights to vote, why anti this [slave] put up at auction and sold (27). Twains use of Paps dragged on rant reveals the demeaning view of blacks as property rather than human beings. This strong opposition to their voting privileges greatly reflects the views of many Americans against abolition during this time period, displaying the Ignorance and racism exhibited by most people. When Houck began traveling with Jim, a runaway slave, he had promised to keep quiet about Jims escape from his master. In the back of his mind, however, he worried that people would call [him] a low-down abolitionist and despise [him] for keeping mum (43). This line in the novel further emphasizes the abomination of protecting a slave in this society. Blinded by the racism and reception of blacks as inferior, people viewed abolitionists as [slave]-lovers; this being the worst title someone could possibly have during this period in time. Though Houck was willing to be Jims partner on their Journey, he still thought about the consequences of his decision and how It would damage him socially. During Houck and Jims Journey down the river, the two were able to create a special bond that allowed Houck to see slaves In a way he was never able to before. Following several instances of playing tricks on Jim, Houck realized the degree of these inconsiderate ranks. Seeing the sadness and disappointment in Jims eyes, he exclaimed l wouldnt done it if I knew it would make him feel that way (87). Husks eyes opened to the fact that slaves really do have feelings. Jims reaction to the ordeal sparked a feeling of remorse and regret for his poor decision to humiliate his friend. He experiences an emotion he never would have felt if he was back home in SST. Petersburg, where he wouldnt have been able to recognize a situation like this with another slave. When Jim speaks of his children back home and his mission to free his Emily from slavery, Houck responds by thinking, l do believe he cared Just as much for his people as white folks does for theirs (158). By this point in the novel, Houck was able to make connections. In contrast to the common societal beliefs, Houck created a new view that conveyed slaves the same as whites; In the sense that they substantial amount of empathy to come to such conclusions. Husks ability to create these convictions exemplify his growth and development of what he views as morality, steering him away from the things he was raised to believe and formulating individual conceptions. Uniquely, the idea of society and conformity was attacked by Colonel Sherbets in the midst of an angry mob threatening to lynch him in front of his own home. Shrubberys tirade verbally charged at the mobs efforts, declaring, a mob; they dont fight with the courage thats born in them, but the courage thats borrowed from their mass (148). Twain uses this part of Shrubberys speech to suggest that courage is not merely following someone elses cause, but doing what you believe is the right thing. This form of Justice is meant to portray followers of ass as valiant and heroic, but they are really cowardice in the sense that they are not fighting for a cause that they strongly advocate for individually; only conforming in an effort to succumb to societal pressure. Colonel Sherbets continues by Judging the validity of their bravery, amour newspapers call you brave people so much that you think you are brave Whereas you are Just as brave and no braver (148). This particular part of the speech demonstrates the false sense of valor that comes with following societys moral standards. Though it appears that giving into what appears o be right, it isnt always necessarily correct. It is our own views of morality that aid us in determining right from wrong, not the mind of a larger body. By following the influence of other people t hat all believe the same thing, were unable to progress as individuals and compose our own morals. Notably, Husks personal conflict regarding whether to turn Jim in to Ms. Watson or to continue protecting him, addresses the importance of moral independence. Houck fears the will of God, the plain hand of Providence [was] slapping me in the face and letting me know my wickedness was Ewing watched all the time from up there in heaven (214). The reference to God addresses the fear of not only punishment from a social standpoint, but a religious one. By helping a runaway slave, Houck was essentially committing a mortal sin and therefore would eventually be punished for this action by going to hell. This factor ultimately put a strain on his decision mainly because what he believed was the right thing contradicted the word of not only society, but a mightier power that could damn him to hell after death. Following this contemplation, however, Houck ripped up the letter that he planned to turn in to Ms. Watson about Jim, asserting, All right, then, Ill go to hell (215). This quote is essentially the moral climax of the whole novel. Despite society views on slavery and the expectation that runaway slaves should be turned in, Houck came to the conclusion that his moral compass was more important than that of others. This assertiveness was an act of independence, exemplifying that we come to realize that what society does isnt always right. We must depend on ourselves to differentiate right from wrong and make the decisions in the best interests of ourselves and others. Houck broke away from society false perception of eight, which was the demutualization of slaves, and made the decision to help Jim because he saw him as a friend and not as property. Houck valued integrity rather than conformity. Though Houck was brought up in the prejudice of Southern culture, he was able to overcome the pounding pressure of society. Husks decision to follow his own moral compass exemplifies the importance of independence, illustrating that wrong. Twains emphasis on the dangers of overcoming the influences of society in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, show the importance of discovering ourselves as individuals rather than following the masses.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Business Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

International Business - Dissertation Example This move has taken on new roles and forms in recent decades and has now come to feature in other sectors such as global politics. The conception and growth of large economic powerhouses such as Brazil, China, India and Far East Asia have come to dominate nearly all aspects of global interaction. In this sense, it can be said that international business has a large part to play in the development and growth of these economic powerhouses since they provide a number of goods and services required for economic development. The case of China is particularly mystifying since the Chinese models of doing business are far removed from how international businesses operate (Joshi, 2009). Even though significant differences are present, international businesses have still managed to penetrate and flourish in the Chinese economy. Research Objectives China has boasted around a 10% growth rate of the GDP for more than a decade which signifies tremendous economic development (Creedy et al., 2006). However, it needs to be seen how international businesses adopted to Chinese market regulations and business structures including the manipulation of the human resources structure. Chinese businesses have traditionally been based on the paternal structure with considerable official influences (Starr, 2001). This is altogether removed from the manner in which business is conducted internationally. Larger businesses that have the skills and capacity to wander into new territories for business development tend to utilise representative and dynamic methods for human resource management. The Chinese human resources management model is centred on a central figure whose instructions are unchallenged. Furthermore, the Chinese conception of business has a large amount of state interference and control being exerted. However, international business tend to operate independently from state control (Sato, 2006). These and several other significant differences require further investigation to el ucidate how international businesses adopted to the Chinese markets. SMART Objectives Specific: assessing the extent and impact of grey markets and illegal flights on business aviation in the Middle East Measureable: quantifying the entry of international businesses as per time in the Chinese markets to discern if entry is increasing or receding Attainable: research materials on the Chinese economy are abundant but would require meticulous screening to achieve the objectives Relevant: international business are expanding vehemently in international markets so factors required for expansion need to be looked into in detail Timed: the proposed research will constrain itself to the post 1990 period in order to deliver on time Research Questions What are the characteristics of Chinese businesses and economy that differentiate them from the truly open markets where international businesses are used to operating? How have international businesses adopted (through replacement, modification or addition to existing practices) to the Chinese economic models of doing business? Do these changes represent unique cultural values or are these findings applicable to other fast growing economies? Methodology The research will be split into primary and secondary research areas. The secondary research will be carried out through a review of the relevant literature while the primary research will focus on acquiring information from international businesses in China. The secondary re

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Business Law - Essay Example A contract is a "promise" or an "agreement" that is enforced or recognised by the law. In the civil law, contracts are considered to be part of the general law of obligations. The requirements that must be met for a contract to exist between Taite, Lewis & co and Whizz plc are as follows: -> Offer and Acceptance: - In this case, the primary requirement would be a properly constituted offer to be made by the partners of Taite, Lewis & co to Whizz PC Ltd. The offer made should be in written and should clearly state all the necessary details like pricing list, time duration and so on. Acceptance would be the agreed consent of Whizz PC Ltd on the offer being laid down by Taite, Lewis & co. -> Intention to create legal relationship: - When these two parties agrees to enter into an agreement, they must be an intention on part of the parties, to create a legal relationship, in the absence of such an intention, the agreement does not become a contract. -> Lawful Consideration: Consideration means something in return, it is an advantage or benefit moving from one party to other. In this case it would be the promise or the consent to pay  £545 for each PC to be purchased from Whizz PC Ltd. -> Capacities and Competence of the parties to contract: Both the parties involved must be competent to contract. It is highly essential to see that both the parties are qualified under the legal considerations.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Leda and the Swan on the painting photos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Leda and the Swan on the painting photos - Essay Example The essay "Leda and the Swan on the painting photos" explores he symbols of Leda and the Swan in the context of Painting Photos. Conversely, in a work of art or sculpture, we do not encounter impressionable representations for different senses, but with a real visual illustration. The artist that from the experience of Swan and Leda would depict the view of wings that are spread out will not depict at all: He would hide from view what we wanted to see with all our heart. The traditional explanation comprises in staging the bodies immediately before their entwining. However, such is not an attractive solution in the example of Leda and the swan: we exactly had the aim of witnessing the dealings after the incident. Moreover, to paint an image that would be the basis of troubles. First, there is the nervousness between the imposing form of Zeus and the modest figure of the swan in which in he is distorted. Predominantly, because the miniature bird has also to mount the enormous feminine body. Prior to the mind’s eye, we unobtrusively acclimatize the form of the swan, as according to previously Ovid cited verses. Nevertheless, when the view is graphically portrayed there in front of our very eyes, the inconsistency sandwiched between the forceful Zeus and the modest form of the swan is captured by the eyes vision. The depiction of loving couples has constantly been a setback in the plastic arts. In the apparent motive, those of a pair linking the most attractive fronts are concealed from sight.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Book Leviathan Philosophy Essay

Thomas Hobbes Book Leviathan Philosophy Essay Thomas Hobbes focused on the human nature regarding as state of nature. Hobbes thinks that there is always fight in state of nature because of equality between men. He asserts that human being is equal both bodily and mentally even if it is seemingly. At first, Human nature makes people to think about being strongest than anyone in terms of body. For example, the strongest one thinks that he can kill everyone who are weak than him, however, the weaker one can beat the strongest one through confederacy of with others. (Hobbes, 183)Therefore, it can be said that everyone in society is equal with each other one way or another. Additionally, Hobbes argues that men are equal mentally too. This equality comes from wise. In state of nature, everyone see themselves wise, however, they do not accept the others wisdom and they do not believe that they have wisdom. That is to say, all of them are satisfied with their wisdom and they ignore others wisdom so this means that it is not inequality a ctually it means equality. (Hobbes, p.184)Therefore, this equality causes insecurity in society. This equality makes us to attain our ends. However, if they desire same thing, they become enemy with each other. (Hobbes, p.184) To give an example, every person around the world has desires to live in extraordinary place such as palace. Lets thinks about that there is only one gorgeous palace all over the world and a group of people try to get it, at the end while trying to get it, there will be conflict situation. The ambition of getting what they desire makes them enemy and it leads to war amongst them. Additionally, in the nature of man, we find three principles which are competition, diffidence and glory. (Hobbes, p.185) These feelings lead to war because these feelings make people to fight for gain, safety and for reputation. Shortly, in order to provide a peaceful society there should be an authority. If there is no absolute power at the top, there is always fight in society. Hob bes underlines this issue as state of nature is a state of war of all against all. (Hobbes, p.185) In this situation, that is to say, if there is no common authority, there is no justice because we cannot talk about true or false or anything contrary to law. Moreover, in such conditions, as Hobbes argues, there is no place for industrial development or art or anything making people to be civilized. Thus, life of men is solitary poor, nasty, brutish and short. (Hobbes, p.186) This situation can be a block to live in a good society because people need an absolute power who can keep down them. Also this can shows us the necessity of commonwealth. Right of nature has an important role for necessity of absolute power in terms of rights, rules and prohibitions. Right of nature gives the right man to do anything what he want and at any time to protect himself from the others who may damage him. That is to say, right of nature is a kind of freedom to what is wanted to do. Because of the state of nature, every men have right to do anything, even he can kill somebody else to protect himself.(Hobbes, p.189) Actually, in state of nature, there is always risk of injury and death so people are ready to preserve themselves from possible attacks. For example, if a man, who is threatened by someone, can intimidates and can kill that men. If he could not, he could be killed. This creates chaos in society. The law of nature can be thought the opposite of right of nature. Thanks to law of nature, people give up their some rights and think about the others right in order to protect both themselves and peace in society. (Hobbes, p.190) It is im portant that, thanks to the law of nature, people cannot harm themselves and others. It is a stage of providing peace among people. The only way to attain this peaceful environment is transferring of rights by covenant. At this point, the importance of rules which are made by absolute power can be understood. As Hobbes suggests, human nature needs an absolute power in nature because the ultimate purpose of mankind is to protect them from others possible attack, to be happy and to live in comfort. (Hobbes, p.223)Therefore, the only way is to accept to be put under restraint by a sovereign. The necessity of a sovereign is also about how to establish a commonwealth system. According to Hobbes, the only way to establish a commonwealth system is based on transferring their rights to one person, one assembly or one committee. Hobbes suggests the way of establishing a commonwealth is making a covenant with every man. By making covenant, every man gives their right of governing themselves to a sovereign. Although some people in society vote negatively, they also authorized the sovereign to govern them. (Hobbes, p.227)Therefore, by transferring rights and will, the commonwealth system occurs. The sovereign who has unlimited power has to make rules and execute them. These rules should be in accorda nce with the necessity of common wills. There should also be fear of absolute power because if people in society do not afraid of absolute power they can break rules. Obeying rules is important for society in terms of order and peace. The covenant can be thought as the constitution of parties because parties make an agreement and they make rules for themselves and for the security of society. Thus, if there is an injustice or injury, the person in charge is not to be the sovereign. The injustice or injury reasoned by sovereign is not the outcome of sovereigns own decisions or actions because of covenant. According to Thomas Hobbes, if a person complaining about injustice, this means that person is complaining about his/her sovereign and this person cannot accuse someone else even he cannot accuse himself because of the covenant. That is to say the person who make a covenant and who make rules cannot injure himself/herself. (Hobbes, p.232) Again Hobbes says that since the people in society are the governor of the actions and decisions, the actions and decisions which are made by sovereign cannot be named as injustice because people in society authorized the sovereign to govern themselves. (Hobbes, p.232) The sovere ign should implement the rules and punishment. To give an example, think about a rule which is related to protect society order, for example burglary, murdering etc. and think about the punishments of these abuses. If a person kill a man or steal someones property there will be a violation of the order. The reason why to implement these rules, prohibitions and the punishments by the sovereign is to be rescued from state of nature and to reach peace in society. Thus, the sovereign must implement the rules, prohibitions and punishments. Although people in society can be punished because of their actions, the sovereign cannot be punished because of his decisions or actions because the sovereign authorized to do anything to preserve the society and maintain the commonwealth system. Thomas Hobbes underlines that sovereign shouldnt be punished if he breaks the agreement because he is tasked with to govern and execute the state. The sovereign has unlimited power and he has decisions and actions according to covenant which is made by people. As Hobbes underlines, the liberty of the subject consists with the unlimited power of the sovereign. The liberty of subjects doesnt mean that the power of sovereign for life and death abolished or limited because whatsoever he does can be called as injustice or injury. (Hobbes, p.264) For example, if a subject who attempts to depose his sovereign can be punished or killed because he is the author of his punishment. (Hobbes, p.229) Moreover, a subject can be killed so neither sovereign nor subject can be called as injustice. (Hobbes, p.265) Additionally, the actions of the sovereign cannot be criticized by subjects because anything what he does cannot called as injustice and subjects cannot charge sovereign with being injustice. As Hobbes states sovereign can be cruel but they cannot be unjust. (Hobbes, p.232) Moreover, the sovereign cannot be judged with his decisions and actions thanks to the covenant. In conclusion, Thomas Hobbes starts with analyzing human nature and comes to this conclusion by reasoning necessity of commonwealth system. As he argues in the state of nature men are always in danger and there is no security. People in society are always fighting with each other, they are always competing with each other because of their desires and this makes their life full of horror. Therefore, Thomas Hobbes suggests that there must be a sovereign to control and to provide security in society in order to live in comfort. By transferring the rights to the sovereign they make covenant and at the end the commonwealth system establishes. The sovereign who is authorized by the subjects makes decisions and governs the society and so according to Hobbes the sovereigns decisions and actions cannot be called as unjust. Although, Thomas Hobbes asserts that his decisions and actions are not unjust, the sovereign who has unlimited power should be restricted. If his decisions and actions cann ot be restricted there will always be injustice because there is only one person who decides in the name of subjects. Additionally, the subjects who didnt vote for that sovereign should be thought because they are also under the decisions and actions of that sovereign even if they did vote negatively. Although, the commonwealth system has benefits such as unity, safety and comfortable lives in society, after transferring rights to the sovereign the only decision maker become sovereign and this makes conflicts in society. Subjects give their will to sovereign however, in some points subjects should have the right to analyze and criticize acts and rules of sovereign. Society may hand over its will but it should not be in all areas. Society could be interfere what is done by sovereign. Sovereign cannot be true in all areas and acts.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid Essay -- Health Medicine Government

Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid The U.S. health care system is a scrutinized issue that affects everyone: young, old, rich, and poor. The health care system is comprised of three major components. Since 1973, most Americans have turned to managed-care programs, known as HMOs. The second type of health care offered to Americans is Medicare, health care for the elderly. The third type of health care is Medicaid, a health care program for the poor. Why is our health care system made up of three components, and how did the U.S. health care system develop? A Historical View The idea of prepaid health care dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The first HMOs were started in the 1920s in Elk City, Oklahoma as a farmers’ cooperative. In Los Angeles, California the Ross-Loos Medical Group offered prepaid medical services to employees and families of the Los Angeles County Department of Water and Power. Other large prepaid group practices originated in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1942 employee health premiums were made tax deductible to employers, not individuals. By this time, many individuals were discouraged from buying health insurance. In 1965 Congress created Medicare. Subsidized, unrestricted health care for the elderly led to enormous spending by patients and doctors. As a result, health care costs went up, making it impossible for individual health insurance. Many liberals in Congress believed that having the government pay for everyone’s health care could control costs. They promoted the idea of health maintenance organizations. President Nixon proposed the HMO Act. In 1973 Congress passed it. Legal impediments were removed to increase the growth of HMOs. HMOs were developed as pa... ... which the federal government should contribute. The block grant program has gained popularity because the federal government, simply, transfers Medicaid money to the state to distribute it accordingly. Between 1987 and 1992, thirty mandates were issued to states that related to program eligibility, reimbursements, and services. Works Cited: â€Å"Medicaid Reform-Introduction.† The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . â€Å"Medicaid Reform-What’s Right with Medicaid?† The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . Medicaid Reform-What’s Wrong with Medicaid? The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid Essay -- Health Medicine Government Healthcare, Medicare, and Medicaid The U.S. health care system is a scrutinized issue that affects everyone: young, old, rich, and poor. The health care system is comprised of three major components. Since 1973, most Americans have turned to managed-care programs, known as HMOs. The second type of health care offered to Americans is Medicare, health care for the elderly. The third type of health care is Medicaid, a health care program for the poor. Why is our health care system made up of three components, and how did the U.S. health care system develop? A Historical View The idea of prepaid health care dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. The first HMOs were started in the 1920s in Elk City, Oklahoma as a farmers’ cooperative. In Los Angeles, California the Ross-Loos Medical Group offered prepaid medical services to employees and families of the Los Angeles County Department of Water and Power. Other large prepaid group practices originated in the 1940s and 1950s. In 1942 employee health premiums were made tax deductible to employers, not individuals. By this time, many individuals were discouraged from buying health insurance. In 1965 Congress created Medicare. Subsidized, unrestricted health care for the elderly led to enormous spending by patients and doctors. As a result, health care costs went up, making it impossible for individual health insurance. Many liberals in Congress believed that having the government pay for everyone’s health care could control costs. They promoted the idea of health maintenance organizations. President Nixon proposed the HMO Act. In 1973 Congress passed it. Legal impediments were removed to increase the growth of HMOs. HMOs were developed as pa... ... which the federal government should contribute. The block grant program has gained popularity because the federal government, simply, transfers Medicaid money to the state to distribute it accordingly. Between 1987 and 1992, thirty mandates were issued to states that related to program eligibility, reimbursements, and services. Works Cited: â€Å"Medicaid Reform-Introduction.† The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . â€Å"Medicaid Reform-What’s Right with Medicaid?† The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 . Medicaid Reform-What’s Wrong with Medicaid? The Century Foundation: Policy in Perspective. 06 Oct. 2003 .

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Advertisement Creates Artificial Needs

Advertising a product is the medium of introducing to customers, therby increasing the product sales. Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. I agree with both statements that advertising of new products improves our lives to some extent and at the same time people are encouraged to buy things they really do not need.These days people are daily seeing advertisements of products in Televisions, Week-end magazines and even in some newspapers. These advertisements give us a rough idea about the new product, how it looks like, its new features and even prices also. Sometimes they prompt us to buy those products. Standards of people's life improves due to these advertisements. Say for example by seeing an advertisement of a new microwave or toaster oven, we are tempted to buy the product, which will be helpful to us.We will enjoy its usage. Many people are even b uying the products on the internet by seeing the advertisements. Also that if we want to know something about a product, we can't directly go to the shop and enquire about it. Advertisement provides means of dissemination of information for health and social issues as well as for products. Only producers gained through the process of advertising their products. Advertising manipulates us to buy things we don't need by playing on our emotions.It creates artificial needs. Sometimes they create confusion in the minds of people which brand of the product to buy. This is why The content of advertising has long been subjected to much criticism. With the advertisement of proucts on cigarettes, alcoholic products, poeple are tempted buy them, which will harm their health. So what I conclude is adverstisement of product is a good idea which encourages people to buy when in they are in actual need of the product.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Jussive (Clauses) Definition and Examples

Jussive (Clauses) Definition and Examples A jussive is a type of clause (or a form of a verb) that expresses an order or command. In Semantics (1977), John Lyons notes that the term imperative sentence is often employed by other writers in the broader sense that we have given here to jussive sentence; and this can lead to confusion. Etymology: from the Latin, command Example Jussives include not only imperatives, as narrowly defined, but also related non-imperative clauses, including some in subjunctive mood: Be sensible.You be quiet.Everybody listen.Lets forget it.Heaven help us.It is important that he keep this a secret. The term jussive is, however, used to some extent as a syntactic label, and in this use would not include commands expressed as straight declaratives, e.g. You will do what I say. In popular grammars, where the term is not used, such structures would be dealt with under an expanded imperative label and under subjunctives. (Sylvia Chalker and Edmund Weiner, Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar. Oxford University Press, 1994) Commentary Jussive: A term sometimes used in the grammatical analysis of verbs, to refer to a type of mood often equated with an imperative (leave!), but in some languages needing to be distinguished from it. For example, in Amharic, a jussive paradigm is used for wishes (May God give you strength), greetings, and certain other contexts, and this is formally distinct from the imperative. (David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 4th ed. Blackwell, 1997)Imperatives constitute a subclass of a somewhat larger class of jussive clauses. . . . Non-imperative jussives include main clauses like The devil take the hindmost, God save the queen, So be it, and subordinate clauses like [It is essential] that he accompany her, [I insist] that they not be told. The construction exemplified here is productive only in subordinate clauses: the main clauses are virtually restricted to fixed expressions or formulae. Like imperatives they have a base form as first verb... A number of other relative ly minor main clause constructions might be included in the jussive category: May you be forgiven!, If that is what the premier intends, let him say so, and so on. (Rodney Huddleston, English Grammar: An Outline. Cambridge University Press, 1988) [John] Lyons [Semantics, 1977: 747] argues that the imperative can only be, strictly, second person, and never third person (or first person). This may, however, be no more than a terminological issue, since first and third person imperatives are often simply called jussives. Bybee (1985: 171) suggests that where there is a full set of person-number forms the term optative is used, but this is not entirely suitable in view of the fact that the term is used traditionally for the optative mood in Classical Greek (8.2.2)...  The term Jussive (plus Imperative) is preferred here. (F. R. Palmer, Mood and Modality, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2001)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Alienation and Reification of Hunter essays

Alienation and Reification of Hunter essays There are endless crossroads in the human life, and the ability to distinguish these crossroads relies on ones ability to relinquish any preconceptions of the meaning of life. These crossroads embody what sociological critics for centuries have referred to as alienation and reification. They deem the twin theories are the essence of our individual universes. They interpret the abyss humans deem from their legitimate sense of self. Every human at one divergence in their life has loss the path they were intended to take, thus becoming alienated. This is because society unduly influences humanity into assuming materialism, is the preeminent necessity to strive for, thus experiencing reification. Sociological critics find alienation and reification as important concepts in understanding literature and films. An excellent way to illustrate how important these theories are is to apply them to the story of one man who faced and overcame them. The man I refer to is Hunter Adams, and the movi e based on his life is Patch Adam. In the beginning of the film, Hunter interprets his feelings of alienation when he states, the storm was in my mind, or as the poet Dante put it, in the middle of the journey of my life I found myself in the dark woods for I had lost the right path. Eventually, I would find the right path, but in the most unlikely place (Patch). Hunter committed himself to a mental institution for suicidal tendencies. Ashley Montagu would say, Patch was attempting to understand how in evading the demands of evolution, he had gone astray, then he would give up his present course and join the general mass of humanity (80). During his institutionalization, Hunter found himself coming out of solitude do to the peculiar characters that encircled him. Arthur Mendleson, a fellow patient enlightened Hunter that; if you focus on the problem you cant see the solution. You hav...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Nursing Profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nursing Profession - Essay Example Before the foundation of modern nursing, nursing like services were done by nuns and military. The philosophy of nursing is reflected from the nature of then work and then thoughts. These philosophies have taken various forms personal philosophy, institutional philosophy and professional philosophy. "The conceptualizations of nursing that have developed and of late, variously called conceptual models, conceptual frameworks, theoretical frameworks and nursing theories, appear to resemble professional philosophies of nursing- a professional philosophy of nursing being one in which what is set down, providing a basis for nursing activity. However, the opinion that these conceptualizations are not philosophies of nursing has persisted and continues to persist, in nursing thought with only questioning of the validity of this claim." (Kikuchi, J F, 1994) The idea of conceptualization were introduced for the purpose of developing professional nursing practice and research. It tried to analyze matters as what is good to do and seek in nursing and what is the nature of nursing science . Nursing theories are a body of knowledge which is used to support nursing practice. Nurses derive their knowledge from experimental learning, from formal sources like nursing research. Nursing models are conceptual models, made up of theories and concepts which help nurses to assess, plan and implement patient care. A care plan is used in a model which is changed and evaluated on a daily basis according to the patient's condition and abilities change. The first theorist to coordinate a role of nursing distinct from medical profession was Florence Nightingale. Nightingale's model is based on the idea that Nurses manipulates the environment to provide and promote patient care. Nursing theories include 4 categories - Metatheory, grand theory, Middle theory and Practice theory. Some nursing models include Roy's model of nursing and Tidal model in Psychiatry, Casey's model in children, Nightingale's model, Roper, Logan & Tierney model in Adult nursing etc. Values laden theory and the fallacy of value free science A theoretical framework embedded in an underlying philosophy give strength to the theory as a guide to practice. Nurses frameworks have incorporated many values like caring respect for all persons and attentive presence into these conceptualizations and proportions. Values are fundamental constituents of human life. Evidence Based Practice Nursing has implemented, taught and studied and standardized Evidence based practice. Evidence based practice refers to the use of rigorously derived empirical findings especially as the basis for intervention and non intervention. Evidence based practice also involves ethical considerations and other dimensions of health. Nursing practice is intentional and deliberate, guided by nursing science and other sources of knowledge, performed by nurses. The practice is to benefit persons and society. However, the actions and behavior of persons change from moment to moment depending on interrelationships with persons, families and communities. Thus, nursing practice depends on the personal and professional values of the nurse. "The process of self-awareness compels nurses to examine their own value positions so these biases and prejudices are not projected onto others, and so nurses do not reject others who do not

Friday, November 1, 2019

Assessing Educational Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Assessing Educational Change - Essay Example In seeking to empower the people, the government began offering bilingual education to enhance the capacity for individuals to understand Portuguese. The government considered such educational changes as essential in enhancing the perceptions of individuals regarding acquisition of education. The planning phase for the project was undertaken with numerous conferences and meetings within different location across the country. This sensitisation process was aimed at ensuring majority of the stakeholders became aware of the project being undertaken across the country. The project was aimed at ensuring creation of people networks across the country through language. The nationwide conferences were undertaken to inform the general public about the process of implementing the project and the purposes of the entire project. During the project initiation process, the project proposals were presented to various stakeholders who would provide essential resources for implementation of the project. These included financiers and facilitators across the country. These stakeholders accepted the proposal and the project commenced. While the project management team performed numerous essential preplanning activities to ensure the successful implementation of the project, many processes were overlooked during the planning phase. The project management team focused on only two stakeholders, while ignoring, majority of the fundamental stakeholders. Universities were given a priority over schools during the initiation phase. The project management team should consult all stakeholders and seek their opinion regarding the process. They would however classify the stakeholders in terms of their influence on the project. The public schools and their teachers were ignored during the planning phase. Consultations with these stakeholders would have sought to identify the requirements in implementing the project, consequently

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Management Essay

Contemporary Issues in Marketing and Management - Essay Example Also, the SPIN framework is critiqued and analysed in order to provide information about how social media can be employed to help stakeholders in the film industry to maximise their offerings and activities in relation to the production and sale of films to the wider society and community. The Internet is the largest computer network in the world. It is a platform on which most computers can connect and get access to shared information from different parts of the world and this has created a unique and distinct marketplace for people to interact. This network has been utilised by various business and corporate entities in the world and there is the possibility of the film industry using it to achieve various forms of results in their marketing and promotion of affairs. To this end, it is important to analyse the concepts of social media and viral marketing. This is because they provide the basis for the analysis of the practical application and utilisation of the Internet for business purposes. â€Å"Social media refers to the use of web-based and mobile technology to communication into an interactive dialogue† (Evans, 2012; p62). This means that social media relates to the use of the Internet to create platforms on which different people and different individuals can interact and exchange various forms of information. Social media therefore involves various social channels that changes over time. These channels offer the space within which people can interact and communicate in order to share ideas and thoughts. The audience and people who use the social spaces on the Internet take an active part in the communication and interactions on these social media channels. Thus, such media channels that exists on the Internet can be utilised by various film producers and film marketing and promotion entities to get their information and views known. This can be done through the professional use of information and data

Monday, October 28, 2019

Economic Equilibrium Essay Example for Free

Economic Equilibrium Essay In economic equilibrium, quantity demanded and quantity supplied are equal. For example, the amount of goods or serivices set by buyers is equal to the amount of goods or services produced by sellers. This is what we call as equilibrium price and this will definitely not change unless demand or supply changes. Based on the lecture, due to scarcity we sometimes consider trade-offs. For example as what was stated in the lecture, supposedly that you have only six hours left to study for your test in economics and to complete your assignment in graphic design, you have to balance your time or spend more time in either economics or graphic design. You also have to consider the resources that you can maximize in accomplishing both things. Having a fixed quantity and quality of available resources means that you have a fixed supply of materials such as textbooks, notes, design software, etc. , to use in the time you have left. Scarcity triggers the society to make choices and thats why there are trade-offs. I agree that economic equilibrium is the state wherein you dont get any benefits at all in making trade-offs because there is no tendency to change or you alreay chose the best possible alternative which means that you have maximized already your limited resources. Reference Economics Basics: Demand and Supply. ( 2010 ). Retrieved July 15, 2010 from

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Boy-Actresses and the Character of Rosalind in As You Like It :: Shakespeare As You Like It Essays

Boy-Actresses and the Character of Rosalind in As You Like It      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When Shakespeare wrote his plays, women were not permitted to perform on stage, so boys played all of the female characters.   Unlike many apprenticeships, a boy learning to become an actor had no set age at which to begin and no set length of how long to study, but they usually began around the age of ten and continued playing women or adolescent roles for about seven years.   These boys were apprenticed to a specific actor within an acting group, and were not attached to the organization as a whole.   There was a very strong teacher-pupil relationship between the adult actor and the boy, but there was also very often a father-son relationship.   The boys usually lived in the adult actors home with his family.   The idea of an apprentice is not difficult to imagine, but for many modern audiences, a boy playing the role of a women is very difficult to picture.   This picture is even more difficult to see when examining the plays of Shakespeare and the str ong female characters that he often depicts.   (Bentley 117)    In Shakespeare's As You Like It, Rosalind has many layers and acts as a character taking on many different roles.   The idea that there is a boy playing a woman disguised as a man pretending to be a woman for wooing, is one that is confusing and yet makes sense.   What adds to this is the idea that Rosalind, disguised as Ganymede, is pretending to be Rosalind, not another woman, but herself.   One can see that she occasionally slips from the role of Ganymede pretending, to being Rosalind, with comments such as "And I am your Rosalind" (Norton 4.1-56) and "By my life, she will do as I do" (Norton 4.1-135).   In these instances it is as though Rosalind forgets that she is disguised as a man, but what does this mean for the actor playing her character?   For one it shows that he must be clear as to which role of the character he was playing.   As one can imagine    "An audience would be confused unless the performer, regardless of gender, made it clear when Rosalind herself was speaking, when the character was speaking as Ganymede, and when Ganymede was the stereotyped 'Rosalind'"   (Shapiro 122).    This idea brings up the versatility that the boy must have had in order to play such a role.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief Essay -- mytholog

My original thought when comparing Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief the movie and Classical mythology was that there would be many more references to the myth of Perceus than any other myth throughout the movie in its entirety. That’s where I was wrong. After watching the movie again and researching the different hero myths my opinion has changed. My new thoughts are that the movie is not influenced by the myth of Perceus any more than other hero myths. The movie ties together many different heroes’ stories and mixes them together to make a wonderful story about a young boy. The movie was based on a book series written by Rick Riordan. Percy Jackson and the Olympians: the Lightning Thief the movie is about a young boy who has just discovered that he is a demi-god Percy Jackson. His father is Poseidon and his mother has been keeping it from him for many years. There is a lightning bolt that is stolen from Zeus on Mt. Olympus and Zeus believes that Percy has stolen it and demands its return by the summer solstice. In the mean time Percy gets attacked by multiple magical and mythological beings. There is a camp that demi-gods are safe from these things which is where Percy’s mother and his protector, Grover, take him to. This is where Percy’s journey begins. After a few days of being at the camp he realizes what he has to do. His mother was taken by Hades to the underworld and Percy has to save her all while trying to prove to Zeus that he did not steal the Lighting bolt. This is the true start to Percy’s quest. He made a few friends in the camp and they agreed to go on this journey with him. Those accompanying him were his protector Grover and Athena’s daughter Annabeth. They also get some helpful tools fro... ...but they also believe that it is influenced by current day books such as Harry Potter more than Greek myth. Even though the movie and book may be influenced by these pop culture books that is to say that those books are not influenced by Greek myth. There are influences of mythology all through the world and most things in the world are influenced by mythology in some way. References "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief." IMDb., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2013. . Siegel, Dr. Janice. "Dr. J's Illustrated Lectures." Dr. J's Illustrated Lectures. Dr. Janice Siegel, 26 Nov. 2005. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. . "Camp Half-Blood Wiki." Wikia. Wiki, n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2013. .

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Maritime Hull and Machinery Book report Essay

Introduction This book about the elements of shipping Emphasis is also placed on professionalism and the need to have the latest technology and professionally qualified personnel to operate a shipping service today. It remains essential reading for the shipping executive along with students and academics with an interest in the shipping industry. Hull and Machinery includes studies about cutting by a wedge of longitudinally stiffened plates for application to the grounding resistance of single hull and double hull ships. Two types of ship hull design were used as prototypes for the development of small scale models. A conventional longitudinally stiffened Single Hull (SH) and the Undirectionally Stiffened Double Hull (USDH) design. To model the cutting experiments the complex deformation patterns observed in the damaged specimens were simplified to obtain a closed-form upper bound for the steady state cutting force required for the USDH specimen. An existing closed-form upper bound solution for the wedge cutting initiation force of a single plate was applied to the longitudinally stiffened single hull specimens by smearing the geometry to obtain an equivalent thickness single plate. A total of eleven cutting experiments were conducted using six different wedge geometries. Early work in grounding prediction has been to perform plate cutting experiments which produced empirical formulas for the work to cut a flat plate. The main purpose of Hull and Machinery is to provide the ship owner with an expectation of status quo regarding a vessel’s operational ability during a maritime enterprise. Since marine perils are a risk that the ship owner assumes each venture. Improper design and the improper selection and use of materials is the primary cause of most non-damage related structural failures. Contrary to common belief, actual manufacturing defects only rarely figure into structural failures. It should come as no surprise to any surveyor that the ship building industry, much like the automotive industry which, after more than 70 years of mass production, backed up with their enormous financial resources, is still fraught with frequent design defects. Body Efforts have been quite significant in quantifying the force required to cut a single plate, but do not account for the effects of stiffeners and inner hull that exist in the actual geometry of ships. In order to adequately predict the lift and drag forces in a ship undergoing a grounding accident and the subsequent extent of damage. Global lifting of the ship against gravitational forces is done. There are Friction forces between the bottom hull plating and the grounding surface, plastic deformation of the hull girder, and forces required to fracture the hull structure. In grounding, the ship initially lifts and rides over the rock causing only hull indentation. Once the force due to the weight of the ship overcomes the plating membrane strength,   the hull plating ruptures. Kinetic energy of the ship is given up to friction forces, plastic deformation, and fracture as tearing over a length of the hull plating ensues. The work in this book report it does not account for the lifting and subsequent rupture of the ship, but assumes that the tearing of the hull plating is well progressed. The indentation and rupture of a ship hull is the structural design of a ship typically starts by determining the loading conditions that the ship will be experiencing during its service life. Normal operation includes loading conditions such as bending of the hull girder (hogging, sagging, and still water), cargo live loads, structural dead loads, liquid loads, cyclic fatigue, and exterior hydrostatic loads. The ship is also subjected to infrequent loads such as flooding and dry docking, and in the case of naval vessels, combat loads such as underwater explosions. The structure is designed, analyzed, and optimized to withstand the normal loads to some allowable stress level, and to remain intact under extreme loads subjected to a vertical load is considered a separate mechanism. Mission characteristics such as payload capacity and endurance determine the size of the ship. This establishes the length, beam, and depth of the ship, and, hence, the structural dimensions. Modern ships make use of this principle of construction. The said construction is the sum of its many parts while a fiberglass boat hull is essentially one component. The combination of molded hull and deck joined together creates a unified whole that is much stronger than the sum of its parts. But ships are proportionately far heavier and are subjected to different stresses. While the bottoms of hulls take the major brunt of stresses, and must be designed to withstand them, the construction still plays a major role in providing strength to the overall structure. In actual operation under heavy conditions, the hull sides of most boats will deflect to greater or lesser degrees depending on how well it is designed. This is the result of impact loading, bending and torsional loading on the hull caused by high velocity over waves, porpoising and so on. If you’ve ever wondered why there are ships have rub rails falling off and weak and damaged hull/deck joints, you probably thought that this was primarily due to hitting up against dock pilings. But the real reason is that there are ships who have poorly designed hull/deck joints that are simply lap joints screwed together. It is the stress transferred from the hull bottom to the hull sides and thence to hull/deck join that causes the screws that join these parts together to break loose. Putting screws into fiberglass is a terrible means of making connections. Screw joins are simply too weak to work effectively. Partial bulkheads are really nothing more than frames and do not serve any greater function than frames. It is a mistake to call a hull partition with two doors in it a bulkhead, for it is really only a partition or a partial bulkhead at best. Surveyors often mistake partitions for bulkheads. Remember that to be classified as such, a bulkhead must be serving the purpose of tying the four sides of the hull together (bottom, deck and sides). If the shot full of holes and openings, it’s not achieving that purpose. Conclusion It is important to be aware of the nuances and exclusions from Hull and Machinery cover as well as to be aware of cover options and requirements. For instance, although the ship, equipment and spare parts are covered by the Hull and Machinery insurance, loose items that accompany the ship in its trade, but which cannot be deemed to be a part of it, e.g. stores and supplies are covered under the ITCH, but not under the Plan. As a result, the ship owner may consider purchasing additional insurance cover for items falling outside of the Plan’s cover provisions. However, many times, the loss and/or damage of such items fall well below the deductive. Another important consideration is cover of items that are not normally on board the ship for an indefinite or prolonged period of time. The Plan’s prerequisite for covering equipment and spare parts under the Hull and Machinery cover is that they are normally on board. Therefore, an individual assessment should be made. Even less did I anticipate the effect on how the hull would handle with a 41% overall weight reduction. Scale model testing revealed the boat to be so light that it would pitch and roll so violently that it would be uninhabitable to human beings. It developed a whip-snap roll in a 3†² sea that would literally throw people off the deck. Or when pitching, launch them like a trampoline. However, there has been some extension into production building mainly so-called niche markets such as race boats, both power and sail. And to the extent that it is clear that the production boat building industry does not possess the necessary capital resources, nor the profit margins to sustain them, their incorporation of this technology into production building is very likely to continue along the lines of trial and error. What this portends for the surveyor are the risks of failing to locate design failures during surveys, failures involving design, materials and construction techniques that fall into the realm of the experimental. Make no mistake about it experimentation with new materials directly into a product is the norm, not the exception. With this basis understanding of the principles of good hull design, we can now begin to study the effects of what happens when these principles are violated. References Branch, Alan E. Elements of Shipping 7th Ed. Routledge Publication. N.Y. ISBN 0748760393 US Cost Guard Guide to Regulations for Passenger Vessels. (2001). http://www.uscg.mi/ng/9-m/nvic/301/n3-01.pdf Kahloism. (1971). Ship Construction. Shipping Container. (1974).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Puritanism in the scarlet letter essays

Puritanism in the scarlet letter essays Puritanism was the religion practiced by the people of colonial Boston, the setting for Hawthornes The Scarlet Letter. The author, Nathaniel Hawthorne, utilizes imagery to convey that Arthur Dimmesdale, a Puritan minister of the town, does indeed represent the Puritan society and not only the round character that can be viewed on the surface level. This is seen through the imagery and symbolism of hypocrisy, Dimmesdale as a Christ leader, and the scarlet letter. Hawthorne parallels the hypocrisy of Dimmesdale to that of Puritan society. Hawthorne describes Dimmesdale as, "a viler companion of the vilest, the worst of sinners," even though Dimmesdale is seen as the most holy man in the Puritan community. Puritan society was supposed to be a utopian society and do away with their English traditions, but instead was very strict and highly religious. Similarly, as Dimmesdale was supposed to be holy, yet they both were hypocritical. Dimmesdale also portrays the hypocrisy of Puritan society by not initially taking his place on the scaffold, "Ye have both been here before, but I was not with you... and we will stand all three together." While Dimmesdale hid his sin at the first scaffold scene, so did the Puritans when they colonized America. The Puritans faults were not initially that obvious, but as time grew on they appeared on their own scaffold just as Dimmesdale does. Hawthorne writes about one of Dimmesdale's sermons that are, "address ed to the multitude a discourse on sin, in all its branches." In Dimmesdale's sermons, he speaks out against sin while at the same time he commits his own sins of adultery and deceit, just as the Puritans committed sins. Dimmesdale's character models Puritan society in the way they treat religious persecution. The Puritans left England to flee from religious intolerance, but when they settled in the colonies, they had no religious tolerance for people with different religious beliefs...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Anti-mosquito candle Essays

Anti-mosquito candle Essays Anti-mosquito candle Paper Anti-mosquito candle Paper Again, the foul smell of belching a mixture of chemicals to produce smoke can cause health problems too particularly those who suffer room asthma. The researcher of this study finds a solution to go natural in preventing the deadly mosquitoes from infesting our households. The study incorporates the tested herbal plant in a mixture of wax to come up with mosquito-repelling candles or the anti;mosquito candles. It is not uncommon that in a rural place like in Indoor, many households still rely on candles and other burner during nights. The use of lighting is more evident during intermittent outage of electricity. All these having considered, the use of this product will benefit many households not only in the local bargain where he study was tested but to other community who wants to use a natural and effective way to prevent the bites of mosquitoes. Chapter IV Research Plan a. Rationale The reported cases of Dengue are very alarming. Aside from fogging, cleaning and eliminating the breeding places of these mosquito, some households use mosquito killers to at least minimize the pests that room inside their house infesting people. But sad to say, the commercially produced insect killers and mosquito repellents that are available over the Counters are usually chemically produced which oftentimes are harmful to our health. Having to consider the elate effects of chemicals, the researcher tried to find out a substance that is safe and environmentally friendly. Oregano or Oregano Vulgar is the answer. It contains a chemical called Carroll; a natural oil insect repellent. The researcher mixed it in making a candle thus the candle is now called Anti-Mosquito Candle. It is good that while the candle is giving lights during brown outs it also eliminates mosquitoes. B. Statement of the Problem Generally this will study aim to make an anti-mosquito candle made from oregano oil that will protect its user against mosquito c. Specific statement of the problem Is there any significance difference between commercial candle and Anti- Mosquito candle made from oregano in terms of length of time? D. Statement of the Hypothesis There will be no significant difference between commercial candle and anti- mosquito candle made from oregano oil in terms of length of time e. Risk and Safety In conducting this study the researcher will use molten wax that can have severe burn damage to the skin. To avoid any harm or danger the researcher will use gloves to avoid accidents. The researcher will also need adult guidance to avoid unnecessary accidents, and f. Materials and Procedure In conducting this S. I. P. There are materials needed and procedure to follow. These are the following materials that are needed in this product and its uses. Wick Paraffin Scissor Stove Double broiler Lighter Cooking gloves/potholder Mold Oregano oil Stick Mixing spoon Place the double broiler in the stove with fire. Put the paraffin wax in the double broiler and let in melt for 15 minutes. After the wax was melted put the oregano oil to the melted wax and mix it. After the oil and wax was mix, prepare the mold or glass with the wick on the center of the mold hold by two sticks. Pour the melted mixture of Oregano oil and the melted wax easily and ruefully in the mold. Let it solidified for an hour. G. Data analysis Trials Anti-Moss auto Candle Commercial Mosquito Coil 49 minutes and 31 seconds 2 40 minutes and 23 seconds 3 50 minutes and 16 seconds The table shows the result of time consumed in each candle. In the first candles, in anti-mosquito candle consumed 49 minutes and 31 seconds while the commercial product is 44 minutes and 7 seconds. The second candles, the researchers product consumed 40 minutes and 23 seconds and the commercial candle consumed 57 minutes and 47 seconds. And last the anti- mosquito candle consumed 50 minutes and 16 seconds and the commercial reduce 58 minutes and 1 second. That is the result of the time consumed of each candle. Chapter V Introduction a. Background of the Study This study: the Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (oregano vulgar) oil is intended to help families with their mosquito problems. According to Department of Health (DOD), 42,207 dengue cases are reported in 2013. About 193 deaths were recorded from January to June alone. These are the total cases reported in every region. To help reduce the dengue cases, the researcher introduces oregano as component of a product mixture to repel mosquito. It contains the chemical compound Carroll which acts to peel insect. It has a warm and distinct odor of oregano that mosquito hates. Further, oregano oil is as strong as chlorine bleach and can be used in cleaning. The hospitalizing cost may be burdensome for a family having a meager income. It is not uncommon that most rural communities affected by dengue are those households with less expenditure for health purpose. With the use of this product, it would prevent the hospital expenses that may be incurred by the family. The research also intends to introduce alternative to chemically prepared mosquito repellent solutions. Research studies found armful ingredients in chemically prepared insect-repellent products that may cause health problems ranging from skin irritation, vomiting, reproductive and immune system disorder, and even cancer. The solution made from oregano plant mixed in candles is similar to the traditional candle making blend with aromatic oils. As an alternative to chemical-based mixture, the candles may serve dual purpose-? lighting in case of power outage and preventing mosquito bites. In this research, we measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the product compare to the ordinary candle commercially distributed in local stores. It is expected to identify the difference between the two types of candles. Finally with basis, to recommend further study to expand the use of the product which has beneficial effect to the users. B. Statement of the problem Generally this study aims to make an anti-mosquito candle made from oregano oil that will protect its users against mosquito c. Statement of the Hypothesis There is no significant difference between commercial candle and Anti- Mosquito Candle made from Oregano oil in terms of length of time d. Significance of the Study In this study Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (Arrogant Vulgar) Oil candle will have some beneficial effects to the people. People avoiding harmful insecticides, insect repellents, and mosquito coil can benefit from the natural ingredient of Anti Mosquito Candle. This study will significant to the study. Community- many people use harmful insecticide, and now they can use this candle to avoid mosquitoes Seller/Producer- this product may use in business or other, because people need this when having blackout and trouble with mosquito People Avoiding Harmful Chemicals- many people avoiding harmful chemicals, and those chemicals can be harmful to health of other peoples e. Scope and Limitation This study focuses the effectiveness of Anti Mosquito Candle made from oregano (Arrogant Vulgar) Oil to mosquito, and only for mosquito not for any types of insects or other pest. The Citronella will be the main ingredient. Citronella has the ability to keep away mosquito from us. This product will be conducted in Mascot, Victoria, Oriental Indoor at the Fatherlands residence. The period of the study covers from September 2014 to February 2015. F. Definition of Terms In conducting this product there are words that may encounter in this research paper. The researcher gave some definition of terms. Oregano- is a common species of oregano, a genus of mint family high aromatic leaves. Wax- a class of chemical compounds that are plastic = this is used to make candles Candle- is a solid block of wax with and embedded wick which ignite to provide light = this is the product of the researcher Oregano oil- the extract of oregano plant. = it has the warm odor of oregano that mosquito hates Mosquito- are family of small, midge-like flies. = it is the insect that usually harmful to humans g. Review of Related Literature and Studies In this study the researcher browse on encyclopedia and internet. He found out that oregano is used for cooking, medicinal herb, and also to repel insects. According to Dry. Marcela oregano contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, as well as fiber, foliate, iron, magnesium, vitamin BE, calcium, and potassium. There are top 5 health benefits of oregano those were [1 Antioxidants for Immune System Support. Initiating, Antibacterial, and May Even Kill MRS.. Anti-inflammatory Properties. Useful for Upper Respiratory Infections. Cancer-fighting Effects. Those are the top 5 benefits of oregano. According to Dry. Edward F. Oregano oil was strong as the chlorine bleach. Mosquitoes are insects which make up the family Culicids. According to World Health Organization (WHO) Mosquitoes or Aides Egypt are the main vector that transmits the viruses that cause dengue. The females of most mosquito species suck blood (homoeopathy) from Other animals, which has made them the most deadly disease per year by the spread of diseases. Vectors known to man, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions Chapter VI Methodology A. Materials and Equipment In making the SIP there are materials and equipment that are needed. And these are the following: Wick- used to have light in the candle. Paraffin Wax- used to create candle. It is a class of chemical compounds that are plastic. Scissor- used to cute wick Stove- used to melt the wax Double broiler- used also in melting the wax Lighter- used to light the stove Cooking gloves/potholder- used to hold hot pan Mold- used to shape the candle. Oregano oil- the main ingredient Sticks- used to hold the wick in the mold Mixing spoon- used to mix the wax and the oil Measuring cup, used to measure the amount of oregano oil B. General Procedure Prepare the mold for the candle. Place the double broiler in the stove with fire. T the paraffin wax in the double broiler and let in melt for 15 minutes. After the wax was melted put the oregano oil to the melted wax and mix it. After the oil and wax was mix, prepare the mold or glass with the wick on the center of the mold hold by two sticks. Pour the melted mixture of oregano oil and the melted wax easily and carefully in the mold. Let it solidified for an hour. Thats how to make the prod uct. C. Testing In conducting this SIP, the researcher will test the length of time of the candle. The researcher tests it because he wants to know how long the candle will protect its users against mosquito. Chapter VII Result and Discussion In this chapter the researcher will discuss the result of the data, and below the t-test: for pared two samples for means. T-Test: Pared for Two Sample for Means Based on the computed value of T is greater than the tabular value of T. Therefore, its hypothesis is accepted that there is no significant difference between the commercial candle and Anti-Mosquito Candle in terms of length of time. Chapter VIII Conclusion After the research study the researcher strongly concluded that the mixture of wax and oregano oil is effective as an insect repellent. The oregano has a impound chemical called Carroll which is effective in killing mosquitoes. It is further found out that during brown outs, it has serves a double purpose Of lighting the household and at the same time killing mosquito. Chapter IX Recommendation In this chapter the researcher recommends to add more oregano oil about mall to be more effective against mosquito. It will improve the ability to reduce the dengue cases in the Philippines and other countries. In order to be more effective add more oil, because mosquito hates the chemical compound cavalry found in oregano oil and also may found in immemorial insect repellents.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Definition and Examples of Subordinate Clauses

Definition and Examples of Subordinate Clauses In  English grammar, a subordinate clause is a  group of words that has both a subject and a verb but (unlike an independent clause) cannot stand alone as a sentence. Also known as a dependent clause. Contrast this with a main clause and coordinate clause. Subordinate clauses are usually attached to main clauses or embedded in matrix clauses. Pronunciation: Suh-BOR-din-it Exercises Exercise in  identifying adverb clausesPractice identifying independent and dependent clauses Examples and Observations Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.(Mark Twain)That spring, when I had a great deal of potential and no money at all, I took a job as a janitor.(James Alan McPherson, Gold Coast, 1969)Memory is deceptive because it is colored by todays events.(Albert Einstein)Bailey and I did arithmetic at a mature level because of our work in the store, and we read well because in Stamps there wasnt anything else to do.(Maya Angelou,  I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 1969)If you cant leave in a taxi you can leave in a huff. If thats too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff.(Groucho Marx, Duck Soup)If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.(John F. Kennedy)When you lose your laugh, you lose your footing.(Ken Kesey)Every book is a childrens book if the kid can read.(Mitch Hedberg) Grammatical Juniors Subordinate clauses are grammatical juniors, dependent on the main clause for complete sense. They are not subordinate in any other way; they need not be stylistically inferior, and indeed may be more informative than the main clause they depend on, as in this example: If you go on with a diet that consists exclusively of cottage cheese, dry toast, and Brazil nuts, I shall worry. The main clause is I shall worry: it is, I think, rather feeble in view of what precedes it, a sad anticlimax to what was promising to be a fairly arresting sentence. But although that previous clause is much more interesting in every other way, it remains grammatically subordinate: it could not stand on its own.(Richard Palmer, Write in Style: A Guide to Good English, 2nd ed. Routledge, 2002) Types of Subordinating Conjunctions Finite clauses are introduced by a subordinator, which serves to indicate the dependent status of the clause together with its circumstantial meaning. Formally, subordinating conjunctions can be grouped as follows: simple conjunctions: when, whenever, where, wherever, because, if, unless, until, while, as, althoughconjunctive groups: as if, as though, even if, even though, even when, soon after, no soonercomplex conjunctions:: there are three subclasses: (i) derived from verbs . . .: provided (that), granted (that), considering (that), seeing (that), suppose (that), supposing (that), so (that)(ii) containing a noun: in case, in the event that, to the extent that, in spite of the fact that, the day, the way(iii) adverbial: so/as long as, as soon as, so/as far as, much as, now (that) Angela Downing,  English Grammar: A University Course. Routledge, 2006) Subordinate Clauses in Poetry When I heard the learn’d astronomer;When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them;When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself,In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars.(Walt Whitman, When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer. Leaves of Grass)